The Real Start

"The mermaid that I saw had turquoise-colored eyes," Team Leader Bae added.

"What does that have anything to do with our conversation?" Rina-sunbae crossed her arms and asked Team Leader Bae, "Our courage test location is on a forest." She raised her eyebrows and smiled. "You won't see mermaids in a forest, right, Yunqiong?"

"What?" Team Leader Bae glared at Rina-sunbae.

"Why?" Rina-sunbae shot back. "Do you have a problem with it?"

"I meant that you're being random and illogical," Rina-sunbae's voice became serious, "You just butted in our conversation and talked about mermaids when we were talking about ghosts."

"Rina-sunbae," I whispered and called out sunbae's name. "Don't be too hostile with her."

"It's just that she's too much! She just joined our conversation like we're friends! Did you forget that she was the one who ordered the guys to throw you into the pool?" Rina-sunbae whispered back at me.

"I haven't forgotten about that but---"