
"Why did you have to wear such clothes when the weather is cold?" Seungwoo nagged. "I told you that you should value yourself among anything else,"

"Yes, I remember that," I replied and scratched my head. "Why do you always mention that to me whenever I do something?"

"It's because you always prioritize others above yourself, though you might find it self rewarding at first, in the end, it will do more harm than good to you," Seungwoo said as he was staring at me. "You always act like you're fine when you are not."

"Why? Why does it bother you when I do?" I asked curiously.

"It's because you always stand out. You are always smiling like an idiot, even though the situation is not in your favor."

"Why do you always have the time to find fault at me?" I asked out of frustration. "I am always thriving myself to become a better person, so why do you always have to point out my weakness?"