Loan Sharks (1)

Writer Flower57: Please meet me at Cafe Rose at 6 PM.

What? Will they meet at 6 PM? How are they going to come back to Seoul on time? And before 11 PM?!

Suji's jaw dropped when she saw her phone. Seungwoo asked her about it, and she told him about it. Instead of losing his patience, he said that it happens and enjoy the rabokki they made. She found it understandable, so she did what she was told.

Suji wanted to visit the Apsan Observatory and even ride a cable car. But that meant she had to hike a long course, and it was even too cold; her outfit is not for hiking and more. They were not prepared to do so. She had to bid goodbye to the beautiful viewpoint overlooking the entire downtown Daegu area.

In the end, they have to go along with it and ride a train before midnight comes. Or else, they might have to wait until five-thirty in the morning for the next train to travel.