Brewing Storm (1)

Suji woke up smelling a familiar scent. It smelled like a cinnamon musk. She realized that it doesn't smell like she was not in her room.

When she opened her eyes, she confirmed that fact. She remembered how she was on a business trip with Kim Seungwoo and waited a very long time to get approval from the author they are working with. Bumped into the loan sharks that haunted the author, from staying the night just because the train station is having renovations that won't finish until dawn.

Everything that happened yesterday dawned on her. It was a long and tiring day.

Her eyes focused on something in front of her, thinking it was the wall at first, but it wasn't. It must be because she has just woken up, but her brain is not functioning too well again.

Rubbing her eyes using her hands, Suji tried to shift her focus in front of her, realizing it was someone's back. Only one person comes into her mind, and that is Seungwoo.