
"Did you know that the Ferris Wheel turns counter-clockwise?" Wooyoung asked Rina as he was staring at the view in his side.

Rina did not answer, and instead, she was just staring at the magnificent in her side as well. The two were not even looking at each other and were doing things in their own way. She could see the whole amusement park's overall view.

Even the gyro thing that they rode earlier can be seen.

"Rina?" Wooyoung called her, turning his head in her direction. But to no avail, Rina did not respond to him at all. "Jo Rina?"

"What?" Rina asked as she turned her head in his direction. The seat was too small that they did not even have the space to breathe properly. "I did not know that the Ferris Wheel turns counter-clockwise and I don't care at all. Are you happy now?"