Humiliation (2)

"Why would it be none of my concern?" Bae Yunqiong hinted at sarcasm in the tone of her voice. She crossed her arms and continued. "A member of my team kept herself busy chasing men. Don't you think this is a bad rumor for your colleagues and workers as well?"

Bae Yunqiong thought that she kept her silence too much. Being a team leader has its perks, and it's definitely her power over the newbies. She was definitely losing Kim Seungwoo with Suji. She was sure that Suji dated CEO Seo based on the rumors she heard, and Suji confirmed it to her a few weeks ago.

But now, it seemed like they have already broken up.

That sly Li Suji claimed that she would not be forcing herself to Seungwoo, but lately, Yunqiong was seeing them together too much ever since it was rumored that she and CEO Seo broke up. It must have been true.

Why would they break up?

What happened to them?