The Reason of the Breakup

Seungwoo referred to a picture where Suji took a photo of her best friend when she was younger. The lighthouse served as a background, and two kids who wore padding posed with a v-sign. It was a bittersweet memory for here.

"We used to live in Gyeongsang-do province when I was younger," Suji replied as she pointed at the girl who stood right next to her in the picture. "This girl used to be my best friend."

"Doesn't this girl look familiar?" Seungwoo remarked. "And she used to be your best friend? Why? You guys parted ways because you transferred in Seoul?"

Suji paused and seemed like she was giving it some thought. Her sudden silence made Seungwoo worry if he was asking something Suji was not ready sharing to him. The kid really looked familiar, but it seemed like he saw it in his past life, somewhere.