The Four Levels of Skinship (2)

Seungwoo snorted as he reached his hands to her. He held her chin with his fingers, guiding her to look at him in the eye. "Do you want to do base three, or even home base with me?"

"H-home base?" Suji stuttered, and she knew that she was getting even redder than before. She had always been shy about this topic, and why would her boyfriend start a conversation about it?

Can she expect them to do more than just sleeping in the same room?

Was he hinting about doing it, maybe not now, but in the near future?

But Suji is really a traditional person, and she preferred doing it on their honeymoon.  But if it happens before that, maybe she can make it an exemption?

But, wait. A honeymoon?

So was she thinking of marrying Seungwoo now?

"Do you not know what getting to a home base means?" Seungwoo teased, raising his eyebrows up and down.

Of course, she knew about it, but she doesn't plan on telling it because of embarrassment.