Do You Want to Eat Ramen With Me?

Suji felt that her heart would burst from happiness. Her boyfriend told her he loved her so many times already. Just one I love you from him would make her feel weak. No man had ever made her feel the same way.

She always thought that there are many ways that a person says I love you. One is that is caring for that special someone. And her boyfriend does just that. He takes good care of her every time they go out. He would offer his jacket if it was cold, open the door for her, fasten her seatbelt for her and offer her some wet tissues.

He was the perfect definition of being such a gentleman.

Seungwoo has a super great personality but is slightly conceited, but he only does it for fun and nothing else. Suji found him arrogant but found out that it was just him with his playful personality. 

"Suji," Seungwoo said as they were browsing with some paintings in the museum. "Why don't we go over there?"