Chapter 22

Flashback - The Cortez & Serena (2 Years before Serena's red wedding)

Serena was driving on her way back from Oldham when she noticed something at the side of the road. A car had smashed into a tree, smoke coming from the hood. Serena quickly stopped her car and went to check for the driver and saw that it was a pregnant woman. She gently felt the woman's pulse and noticed that there was a lot of blood on the driver's seat. Serena quickly took out her phone and dial for Emergency as the women stirred and slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey.. Try not to move.. You just crashed," said Serena as she held the woman's hand, "I'm Serena, what is your name?,".

"Cecilia..," the woman whispered.

"Cecilia, don't worry, ambulance on the way, alright?," said Serena trying to calm her.

"It's not crash," said Cecilia, "They tried to shoot me,".

Serena's eyes went wide.

"Did someone attack you?," asked Serena and Cecilia nodded.