
Episode 7 Rough Awakening

(Splashing sound)

(Margo boat is upside down in the lake, Margo and Tilo are in the water, Margo bait cooler and rod are floating in the water, the fish and the bait have gone to the bottom)

(Loud cough and meows)

"Margo"-Shit what was that (Cough), quick Tilo come with me

(Margo takes Tilo and turns around looking for the cause of the boat accident)

"Margo"-¿What the hell was that? (Cough), Tilo get on my back

(Margo tries to turn the wooden boat but cannot, "Tilo" falls into the water)


"Margo"-God, Tilo come Tilo come up, climb on my back

(Margo tries to turn the wooden boat over and this time she succeeds)

"Margo"-Come Tilo get on the boat


(Margo raises the ice chest and the cane to the boat)

"Margo"-Gosh (rapid breathing)

("Margo" wipes her face and turns to look everywhere)(A large silhouette is seen swimming in the distance, mixing with the sunset reflected in the lake)

"Margo"-Fuck, let's go home Tilo, forget the fish and we'll fish another day (Cough)

("Margo" gets in the boat and begins to row back to the dock)

"Margo"-It's too late to catch basswood, ¡shit! the recorder

(Margo stops rowing and starts looking worried everywhere looking for his recorder)


(Margo finds the recorder in one of her trouser pockets but it is totally wet on the outside)

"Margo"-damn it, I hope it still works

(Margo continues paddling towards the dock)