
Episode 10 Bad Feeling

(Margo takes the newspaper and, with her boots in her hands, leaves Wayde's resource store, then walks to her truck, opens the door, leaves the newspaper on the dashboard and the boots on the passenger seat, stands still pensive taking the door of the truck watching Tilo)


"Margo"-Wait for me a moment Tilo, I'll be right back

(Margo opens the glove compartment of the truck, then takes out an old wallet, in the wallet there is a badge with the name "Margo Darn", there is also a photograph of a couple with 2 children, a card from "Wayde Resource Store", a "Mark Whados Workshop" card and a "Grocery The Corn" card, later he takes 5 cents, closes the wallet and puts it back in its place, then closes the door of the truck and walks towards the public telephone on the outskirts of Wayde's premises)

"Margo"-My god everything is fine (inner speech)

(Margo suffocatingly starts dialing a number quickly)