
Episode 12 Darlen Perspective (Part 7 of 18)

(Sound of call going out)

"Darlen"-I hope everything is in order (Speaking to herself)

"Darell"-Mama, ¿What did one roof say to another?

"Darlen"-not now Darrell, I'm busy calling your father


(The phone processes the call and a man with a tenor voice answers)

"Margo"-hello, ¿who's speaking?

"Darlen"-Margo, it's me Darlen

"Margo"-hello dear, ¿what's up?

"Darlen"-nothing, I just called you to see if everything was still in order

"Margo"-eh yes of course, I've been painting the exterior fences, yesterday afternoon I went to the village to buy buckets of white paint, I also took the truck to check the "Mark Whados" workshop, it was going out several times on route 47 back to the farm

"Darlen"-¿and the chickens?

"Margo"-the chickens are fine, although lately they eat more than necessary haha

(both laugh)

"Darlen"-hahaha, um well, ¿no visitors?

"Margo"-no, only on Wednesday morning came "Julian", "Marco" and his sister with their parents

"Darlen"-¿what?, ¿Didn't they see the ads?, we put them up in important places in Gereny, a week before I came with my mother, ¿didn't you see if they were still in the same place by chance when you went to Gereny?

"Margo"-I didn't go through downtown, I only went to the "BCMart" in "Colinas", but I can go now I just put water in the truck

"Darlen"-yes please, it may be that they have fallen through the air, that way the children and their parents will go on Saturday and Sunday too

(Darrell interrupts)

"Darrell"-Mama we finished lifting the dishes

"Darlen"-ok honey, you and your sister take your things that you will take to her aunt's house and put them in the car of the grandmother


(Darlen continues the call on the phone)

"Margo"-i'm going to go to the village to check if the announcements are still in the same place

"Darlen"-¿you do remember the places where we put them right?

"Margo"-yes of course

"Darlen"-alright, well I'm going to hang up dear, we're going to see my sister in "Hillsway"


Darlen"-if we are going to go see Madeline and her husband "Paul", the children want to go

"Margo"-okay be very careful, ¿how will they leave?

"Darlen"-we will go in my mother's car

"Margo"-¿how is your mother?

"Darlen"-my mother is very well, she is very happy, we haven't seen each other since the May 5 party at the "Ramos" house in "Liunyted"

"Margo"-hahaha, if you remember that time when they taught us to play that game, ¿what was it called?, ¡Lottery!

(Both laugh at the nostalgia)

(Margoret interrupts)

"Margoret"-mom Grandma already started the car, our things are already in the car

"Darrell"-yes mom

(Darlen continues the call on the phone)

"Darlen"-haha yes dear, but well I have to hang up because we're leaving, the children are ready

"Margo"-okay, anything call me or call Wayde okay?

"Darlen"-yes dear



(Darlen hangs up the phone)

"Darlen"-alright let's go kids

Darrell, Margoret-¡come on!

(Darlen grabs her bag and house keys from his mom and then walks out the front door with his kids)

(door slam)