
Episode 12 Darlen Perspective (Part 13 of 18)

*We have several children lost in parcels, whoever the parents of Rodolfo Fidel, María Julieta, Mariana Laura, Matías Escobar and Tomas are, please go to parcels with our partner Ruth*

(People carry a lot of things shopping, there are very long lines to pay, while some express checkouts for items are less crowded)

"Darrell"-Mom, ¿what's happening?

(Grandma holding the shopping cart begins to move towards the exit, Darlen and the children follow suit)

"Darrell"-Mom, ¿what's wrong?

"Darlen"-I don't know, Darrell, keep walking, don't let go of your sister.

(Darrell walks keeping up with her sister and holding her wrist so as not to be left behind)

"Darlen"-Mom, ¿is it normal that people buy so quickly in this store?

(Grandma Mel looks a little nervous)


Grandma Mel-No daughter, only on Black Friday there are such hasty purchases but there is still a long way to go for that.

"Darlen"-maybe they are sales

Grandma Mel-no, something happened or is happening, this is not normal.


(The Sendero Family enters the appliance area with the shopping cart where it is quieter and there are almost no people passing by)

"Darrell"-¿what's going on?, ¿Grandma?

Grandma Mel-nothing, nothing's wrong kids, the broth will have to wait until tomorrow.

"Margoret"-Maybe we can go to a grocery store like the ones in Gereny and buy the things we need.

"Darrell"-there are no grocery stores in this town daughter

Grandma Mel-yes, there are only supermarkets like BCMart or BEX, children, the broth will wait until tomorrow, we'll go buy pizza instead.


(An elderly woman with a purse in her hand goes up to where the Sendero family is)

Grandma Mel-¿"Raquel"?

(Raquel greets Grandma Mel with a kiss on the cheek)

"Raquel"-¿What are you doing here?, no one will bring televisions, you should be filling the grocery cart with groceries.

-Mom, we already have everything-

(An adult man arrives at the spot with another elderly man, some children and a young adult woman with grocery carts full of food)

"Raquel"-okay, go ahead with the purchases, go pay and I'll catch you up at the checkout.

Adult Male-Yes

(Mrs. Raquel's family leaves there towards the payment box)

Grandma Mel-¿How do I fill the pantry cart?, ¿what is happening?, ¿why does this seem like a detour?

"Raquel"-¿didn't you see the news yesterday or today in the morning?, ¿Where did you go?

Grandma Mel-no, I was at my daughter's house, my son-in-law had a birthday

"Raquel"-¿have you even bothered to watch the news these days?

(Margoret interrupts the conversation)

"Margoret"-¿the conference?

Grandma Mel-o yes, yesterday on the news channel they were broadcasting a conference, ¿what's with that?

"Raquel"-¿didn't you see the news about what happened in Utah?

Grandma Mel-¿Utah?, no, I don't watch those conferences, nowadays there is a lot of fake news, especially on the conference channel, channel 15.

(Raquel approaches Grandma Mel)

"Raquel"-dear, what is happening is real

(Darlen and her children look worried)

"Raquel"-my son is a follower of an internet page, they showed real videos and news of what is happening, this is not false, it is a disease, it is a virus

Grandma Mel-¿an illness?, ¿Like in 2009?

"Raquel"-yes but much worse; Listen Darlen, Mel, buy a lot of food that can last for weeks without expiring, like canned food or drinks in cardboard packaging, lock all the windows and doors, lock yourself in the basement.

Grandma Mel-¿close doors and windows?, ¿lock us in the basement?, But what are you talking about, ¿dear?

(Raquel sees the children and Darlen then she looks back, then she turns to see Grandma Mel again)

"Raquel"-I have to go Mel, my family is waiting for me at the cashier to pay, goodbye Mel, take good care of your family.

(Raquel begins to walk towards the payment registers)

Grandma Mel-wait Raquel what she talked about

(Raquel stops halfway and walks back to where Grandma Mel is)

"Raquel"-¿do you still have my phone number?

Grandma Mel-yes, ¿why?

"Raquel"-call me today at 2:00 in the afternoon, I will explain everything to you, just don't get close to anyone, don't talk to anyone else and try to get out of here as quickly as possible to your house.

(Raquel leaves quickly towards the checkout counters)

"Darlen"-¿what's wrong mom?