
Derek scanned the man standing beside Violet, he stood at least 2 inches north of six feet, and he had a full set of dark brown hair and onyx eyes. And as a man, it annoyed him to see another bloke be paired up with the hot girl; in his mind, it felt like high school again. "Derek Hofstetter." he replied, looking at Violet for a second. His blue eyes rested on Aldren's arm for a second, which was casually snaking around the blonde's waist into a back embrace.

"I didn't know you were married?" Derek said, slightly confused at the news. "Were not," she said, earning a tight warning grip from the brunet. "Not yet, We recently got engaged," Aldren said, shooting her a subtle look.

Derek laughed awkwardly when Violet nodded in confirmation; she just wanted to get the conversation over with so that the dark blond man could leave and be safe from the vampire's reach.

"Just a few days ago." Aldren shared, "Was it this Wednesday?" he asked Violet, looking down at her. "Tuesday, I think." she corrected, earning a satisfied smile from him. "Ah yes," the brunet mused, grinning.

"I don't see a ring though, " Derek commented after looking at Violet's bare fingers, and Violet tensed, knowing he shouldn't pay more attention. "It was all so sudden that I have yet to buy her a ring." Aldren mused out loud, then looked down at her. "Should we purchase one, after you finish packing?" he asked.

"We could do it another day, " she said, earning a curt nod from him.

"She'll be moving in with my family and me. So she won't be coming by here anymore," Aldren informed Derek when he saw the curious look on his face. "Oh, congratulations. I should have said that before. I'm happy for you," he said, mostly to Violet, who faked a smile at him. "Thank you," she said.

He offered his hand to the brunet and said, "Congratulations. And nice to meet you." he said. Aldren shook it, "Thank you, I'll take good care of her," he said, and Violet mentally rolled her eyes. Violet sighed in relief when she thought the conversation was over when instead of releasing the man, Aldren pulled him closer his other hand found its way on Derek's shoulder.

Violet scrunched her nose, what was that she mentally wondered. She'd smelt that scent on him many times before. But it was stronger today.

"Now, do tell the truth. Why are you here?" Aldren asked the man, and Derek's eyes suddenly looked hazy. And Violet's eyes widened in realization.

'Could he be?' she wondered.

"I wanted to ask her out on a date." he confessed under his spell. "So I take it you fancy her?" he asked. "Very much so, She's hot," Derek answered in a daze, and the platinum blonde was convinced that yes, Aldren was one of those unique kinds of vampires. The sort that possessed that ability. The ability to bypass people's conscious mind and manipulate their unconscious mind. Humans are considered an easy target for this, considering their life energy is generally opened to the world. Of course, there are other abilities a vampire could possess, mostly coming from age. The older they get, the stronger they are, the more resistant they are to a vampire's generic weaknesses. And no, that does not include garlic or the cross.

She watched in horror; she could only assume it had something to do with him releasing some special kind of pheromones. Initially, she thought she was just imagining things or possibly having a stroke, so she never commented on the sweet scent. But seeing it, no, smelling it, then she realized that this was what he had been attempting on her.

And like a skill, this ability can be sharpened. The stronger they get, the easier it is for them to control ordinary humans and even other supernaturals. Of course, there are exceptions; there had been several cases of people being immune to mental manipulation, and based on that, she determined that she was one of those.

Aldren gritted his teeth and said, "She will be moving in with me, her fiance, and you will not be bothering her anymore. And to anyone who asks where she could have gone you will tell them what you learned here. " he instructed, earning a robotic nod from Derek.

"While you're at it, I want you to ask someone to fuck your assshole. Now leave", Aldren said, causing Violet to shoot him a glare. The brunet turned away and headed back inside, while Violet looked at the retreating back of Derek. He was innocent, and after tonight his butthole won't be.

Violet slammed the front door close and stomped behind the brunet who was heading into her bedroom, "What the fuck was that?! That wasn't needed to be done." she spat angrily at the brunet. He turned to look at her, "He said he wanted to date you even after I told him you belong with me. It's disrespectful; a man shouldn't desire something that belongs to another, ungentlemanly," he said, taking a seat on her mattress.

"It's because you did THAT to him!" she shot back, annoyed at his reason, and he rolled his eyes in reply. "It's called Allure, darling." he graciously informed her.

"What can I say, I'm a jealous husband," he said with a noncommittal shrug, causing her to redden in annoyance; knowing this discussion will lead to nowhere, she stomped out of her bedroom and headed to the living room. The brunet listened, making sure she didn't leave the flat.

After the blonde left her bedroom, the brunet heard bashing from the living room. The pounding he could only imagine as her breaking a part of the wall in frustration. Possibly a psychological form of displacement.

He followed after a few minutes, and his brow arched in curiosity. Maybe her breaking down the wall wasn't merely out of frustration, he realized after seeing her pulling a stash of grimoire from the gaping hole in the wall. Violet glared at him after noticing his presence, she wanted to break his nose if she was honest, but she knew she might not even land a blow by how weak she was compared to him at the moment. Although admittedly, destroying a part of the wall and imagining it was his face did lessen her anger.