"Shit happened"

Aldren's eyes darted from the road to the rearview mirror where he looked at the platinum blond on the backseat; her heartbeat had been bothering him. Worse was her face remained unfazed like she was sleeping. Was she that weak to a point she couldn't even react to her own heart struggling to beat on its own? He couldn't help but wonder.

It was half an hour later when he pulled over on an empty road and got out of the car to check on the woman when he realized it had turned silent. Her heart. So he tapped her face, shook her shoulders trying to wake her, but he received no reaction. How brows furrowed, he was now turning concerned.

He didn't want her dead after all, but shit happened, she attacked, and he defended by dosing her with wolfsbane.

He got in the backseat and slapped her face, enough that her cheek turned red. He sighed in relief when he heard a light thump. He could finally hear her heart beating, but he noticed it had slowed down drastically, too slow for his liking and so he fished his mobile from his pant pocket and dialled a number.

"Blake, I need information. I'm outside New york city, I need the closest witch on our payroll," he said, not bothering to explain why. The blond man on the other line checked his mobile phone, searching on his list of witches that worked for them. There were a few in the area, but based on the GPS location the brunet had shared, he picked the closest, just a 10-minute drive.

"I got it." Aldren said after receiving the address from the blond, and he ended the call and got in the car.

Blake, on the other hand, made sure to give the witch a call, making sure the person was ready to welcome the Abomination in their property, or else, well, blood will be spilt.

The brunet followed the GPS' instructions, then slowed down when he reached the location. He parked right in front of the old house. His eyes swiftly scanned it, dungy brick walls with years of spillage stains from the leak in the gutter.

He picked up the woman and carried her towards the door, entering the patio like he owned the place. The door opened before he even knocked, and a woman with curly dark brown hair greeted him. She was young, he reckoned around her early 20's and based on her scent; she wasn't like Lucy, who slowed down her ageing using Magic. No, she indeed was young, and he frowned. He wasn't aware of someone as young as she worked for him as a witch.

"Do something." he said as he placed the blonde on the sofa, and the tone on his voice meant she better do it now while he was in a good mood.

The girl turned, and so did Aldren when another person entered the room; he arched a brow at the sight of a cane. The flabby older woman in her 40's with brown hair slowly entered the room.

"My Lord." the older woman greeted, and he hummed, turning to the lady. So she wasn't the one, makes perfect sense, he noted.

"I take it you're Melissa," he said, earning a nod from the woman as she limped towards him. "This is my granddaughter Tracey." she introduced, earning no reaction from Aldren, He didn't give a damn. What he wanted was for her to do something.

Tracey helped by pulling a chair close by for her grandmother to sit on.

"What happened?" Melisssa asked, her hand reaching to touch Violet's hand to feel her energy.

"Shit happened. Then Magic and wolfsbane." he said, earning a look from the two in confusion. But he wasn't planning on explaining more than he needed to.

Melissa reached forward and touched the blonde in an attempt to feel her aura, a surprised gasp passed the woman's lips, and she sent Aldren a wide-eyed look. And he knew that she knew what the platinum blonde was. Something that cannot be seen by just a glance.

His eyes darkened, and his stand shifted into something both witches recognized as evil. "I suggest you think less and do more," he warned. And the two women took it as their cue to start working, and Melissa turned to her granddaughter, "Prepare everything for a healing spell" she instructed, then turned to Aldren. "Please bring her to the basement." she said, standing up and leading him the way.

Aldren followed behind, laying the platinum blonde gently in the centre of the floor. From what he could see, this was where most of their rituals were done. He could see the altar in the far corner of the room, with totems of their chosen god or goddess. Items for each of the elements: Earth: Salt, a plant, some actual earth, Air: Incense, a feather, a fan, Fire: A candle, Water: bowl of water

And he watched in the corner of the room as the two witches performed their cleansing spell. The woman placed three blue candles in the form of a triangle, with Violet in the centre. She took the myrrh oil and put three drops on the blonde's forehead, and she closed her eyes.

And she started to chant,

"Magia emantur ligna, et ardeat lucerna,

Languorem finis, bonum salutem reditus." repeating the words over and over.

Aldren noted the sudden chill in the air, and he could feel the thickness filling the darkly lit room, moments later the three blue candles combust into flames spontaneously, forming shadows as the fire danced.

Melissa turned to look at the Abomination, she did what she could to quicken her recover, more than that she doesnt know whta else to do.

"Her heart is weak, but she will survive." she said, pushing herself up.

Satisfied, Aldren nodded, picking up the blonde off the floor and taking her to one of the bedrooms and laying her on the bed. The old woman watched as he brushed the hair off the unconscious woman's face, then removing the shoes off her feet.

He looked at the two women, and excused himself to make a call; he needed to make arrangements. He didn't trust the two witches; ans if he was honest, he didn't trust any of the witches working for him. Majority of them were driven not by loyalty but by their gain. The number one reason was protection from the Congregation and Hunters--something not uncommon, considering they are tainted witches, a disgrace to their Craft. Performing spells and rituals that are against Witchcraft's main purpose. To help.

And those who are 'arrested' are generally taken to face either the Binding or Death. Death to most, the better option than Binding; living a life never being able to connect with nature again.

He wasn't delusional after all, or stupid enough to believe that he has any Witch's loyalty...And loyalty be damned, he always believed. As long as they fear him, that is enough.