Moon Portal II

The second Aldrens stepped inside the room, he knew something was wrong, but the grin on his lips remained. He can play this game.

He ignored the limp woman on the floor, approached the mirror, and stood before Orion's grandson mockingly. "So, how many of your people are you willing to sacrifice today?" Aldren asked, as his ears focused on every sound in the room. This wasn't his first rodeo; he knew the tricks witches were capable of. He had faced more than enough of them to the point that little to nothing surprises him anymore. Violet, however, was an exception. Her tricks were self-made; her magic neither relied on incantations and rituals.

He scoffed when he felt a disturbance in the air to his right, and he turned fast enough to block the sword coming his way. His hand grabbed the man's hand, and the blade paused inches away from his neck. "Mirage does not work on me," he said, implying the spell they used. One that causes sensory illusions on those who fall victim to it.

Aldren twisted the man's hand, and another emerged in the corner of his eye, pointing a crossbow and pulling the trigger. The bolt stake launched to the air aimed at his chest, but the brunet caught it quickly. The two men to gaps, Aldren's face breaks into a self-satisfied grin. "It was nice to meet you," he said, then swiftly flinging the bolt stake back to the crossbow wielder and twisting the man's hand in his left. His arm cracked like a twig; the sword fell on the ground as he guffawed in pain, falling to his knees.

The other man fell on his back, bolt stake embedded in his eye socket, and before he even knew it, he was already dead.

He was the lucky one.

Adam watched helplessly in horror as his two friends, his brother's in the craft, suffered in the hands of the Abomination. The beast that couldn't be killed. He pounded against the mirror catching the vampire's attention.

Aldren's lips curled into a smirk, ignoring the man. He cannot do anything from the other side other than watch. He reckoned the two women didn't have enough time and energy to keep the gates open, only successfully letting two Guardians through. A mistake, two was nothing to him. He had killed a whole coven of witches before, alone. He turned to look back at the man with a broken arm; then, his eyes scanned the basement; the two women were nowhere to be found. And his ears listened carefully to the whole house for a trace of them, upstairs, he noted. He looked down at the man writhing in pain; holding his arm, he crawled in an attempt to both get away and grab the dagger hiding behind his back.

The brunet stood before him, looking at the blade the warlock pointed at him, the man started chanting, and before he could even finish his little incantation, Aldren whipped his hand, and his head hit the floor in a thud.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Adam screamed on the other side, pounding against the mirror in anger and frustration. If only he were close by, but he was miles apart; even if he left, then he would have never made it in time.

Aldren bent down, grabbing the severed head off the floor by its hair. And he walked towards the mirror, then placed the head gently in front of Adam, and casually walked away, not bothered by the curses and screams passing from Adam's mouth.


Violet remained unmoving on the bed. She was deep within herself, enveloped with the silence of her subconscious. Swimming in the darkness of her empty thoughts. She felt the dark abyss surrounding her start to tremble, and her world started to spin.

'Wake up,' the voice said, and she furrowed her brows in annoyance. She wanted to stay there, where it was silent, where it was at peace.

She wanted to remain there and rest.

'Wake up!' the voice kept repeating, and every time it grew louder and louder, causing her face to twist in annoyance; she didn't want to wake.

She wanted to sleep.

She wanted to rest.

She felt so tired, so tired.

Too tired.

'WAKE UP!' the voice roared, shaking her out of oblivion. Her eyes snapped open, just in time for her to recognize the blade coming her way.

She tried to react, block it, but her arms felt limp beside her. And so, she twisted instead, rolling and falling off the bed moments later. She got up, her heart hammering against her chest. And she felt woozy suddenly, but what caught her attention most was her hand felt sticky. She looked at her hand and found blood dripping down from her shoulder. She was too slow, and now she was bleeding, but what's worse was she couldn't feel anything. Her body was numb, and her leg felt like jello.

She fell, legs giving up on her. And the world started to spin, 'MOVE!' the voice said; 'I'm trying!' Violet mentally shouted back, but her limbs wouldn't listen to her will. Her body was too weak.

She tried to focus but couldn't. She saw the blurred swaying image of an older woman, long brown hair looking down at her in complete disgust. She recognized that look anywhere; many had looked that way at her after learning what she was.

"You should have given us all a favor and died the day you were born, you monstrosity," Melissa said, looking down at the platinum blonde. She felt nothing for the young woman; she was a freak of nature. A curse to the world. She needed to die for the greater good.

Melissa limped towards the barely conscious blonde and raised her dagger.

"Don't," Aldren spoke from the door, Melissa turned to look at him, and her eyes widened in shock. Her granddaughter, Tracey, stood in front of him, his hand wrapped around her slender neck with blood pouring from it. Salty tears streamed down her face blotched face.

"Drop it," Aldren instructed, looking at the helpless blonde on the floor.

"She needs to die!" Melissa exclaimed, filled with conviction. What she was about to do was a service to the world and everything living in it.

"I'm not going to repeat myself," Aldren said, tightening his hold around the woman's neck. He didn't like the helpless expression on the blonde; it didn't suit her, and the fact that that older woman with a limp caused it annoyed the hell out of him. She was far from powerless, but right at that moment, she was at that frail older woman's mercy.