' That fellow' comes to pay visit

Who else could this stranger be; except that mystical magical fellow. Not the 'Magic Beast', who acts as a guardian angel of Raj. But, the one; who hurt Priya.

The great Lord Chaol Bluethorn Arrhenius; also known as The God Of Destruction, carries the most powerful weapon of this entire universe. The weapon which not just erase the body or bones, or magic, but even the very soul of the organism.

No creature, be it magical, powerful or humans or anyone, can even stand against him. Competing or defeating him is definitely, out of the course. Only 'The Magical Beast'; the guardian soul of this place, this forest, this Long Lost Kingdom of South, this holy lake, this area, this territory, Emma, her descendants, currently Raj has the power to compete on equal grounds with this fellow.

As for the winner and loser; that can't be predicted. Since, both the creatures are immortal. Neither of them can die. Both are equally powerful. So, if they ever competed; then it would definitely be the fight of millennia; which will start and continue till Millenium. As for who will win in the end, that will still remain a mystery.

If there is any fellow, any creature; who is stronger than Lord Chaol Bluethorn Arrhenius, or 'the magical beast'. While carrying the capability, power, and magic to defeat both the fellows in just one strike each; then that fellow is none other than Lord Jacob Bluethorn Arrhenius. The elder and blood-brother of Lord Chaol Bluethorn Arrhenius.

Who is worshipped by the creatures of this entire universe as The God Of Creation. And, who currently is out of Planet Earth; staying and ruling in the Planet Uraco.

As he left the planet with the disappearance of magic, too. Under the command, orders, and request of Holy Mother Nature. Just like other magical creatures.

Only, he can defeat 'The Magical Beast'. Since he definitely won't have any interest in beating his brother for nothing. But, he had taken the vow; which is he won't return to Planet Earth, until and unless, his brother revive The Dynasty of Magic.

Their Dynasty, their lineage, their clan. The last ruler, who died a ruthless, merciless death; was the eldest brother of these two fellows. But, after his death; these two brothers separated.

Jacob took the remaining members of his clan to Planet Uraco, where they are living peacefully, leisurely, and happily. While creating and changing other planets, for the living purposes of other magical creatures. With the help of the most powerful weapon of the universe. Since it can even turn barren land into a fertile one. With the help of this weapon; he created millions of earth in the universe. Thus, making it suitable for other magical creatures to live.

There used to three most powerful weapons; which used to reign and rule over The Kingdom Of South ( The Dynasty Of Magic) :

Weapon of Creation

Weapon of alimentation

Weapon of destruction.

All thanks to these weapons; the Royal Clan of This Kingdom, considered to be highly respected, highly sacred, and highly powerful.

Whenever there used to be any drought or land-related problem; then the Lord Of Creation used to fix it.

Whenever there's any problem related to food, water, resources, money, or anything; then the Lord Of Alimentation used to deal with it.

And whenever there used to be any problem, or ruckus, or bandits, or gangsters, or political or any type of feuds; then firstly Royal Clan used to deal with it, but afterwards, Lord of Destruction used to clean the mess.

And the Three Highly respected, highly honoured, highly sacred, high praised, highly work-determined, member of the royal clan used to get this tittle.

But, then; all no - thanks to humans; their corruptness, their greed, their selfishness.

The Lord of Alimentation was killed and that too very ruthlessly. But, what the humans didn't know at that time; was the fact; that weapon and masters are one. As the masters and weapons combine their years of cultivated energy and thus become one. Only with the rightful method, can one extract the weapon from These Lords.

Since humans were ignorant at that time. They didn't know that much details. Result: Weapon of Alimentation along with Lord of Alimentation died, vanished, disappeared from the earth, from the very universe.

And after that, the magical creatures did take back their revenge. Chaol covered the entire World Red. But, what did he get, nothing. Jacob was angry too, but he knew killing innocent people has never been an option. As that's completely against the ethics of His.

So, he punished, tortured and showed hell to the actual culprits. But, with time they died. He tortured them, punished them for an entire century. But after that, they died naturally.

And for that entire century, Chaol and magical creatures wreak havoc on this Planet. But then, they all were forced to leave with Lord Jacob.

Jacob and Chaol were the ones who suffered the most from the entire incident. So as compensation, they were granted immortality, no ageing, no death. As both punishment and reward, from The Holy Mother Nature, to whom these creatures worship and respect the most. They act as a follower of Holy Mother Nature. Whatever it says, they follow, it has been an unspoken rule of The Kingdom of South.

Holy Mother Nature, is the soul, the magic, the life, that remain and live in this Earth. The most sacred soul, just like air, water, fire, light and soil. Who only showed up, when it's the last and only option. In the direst situation.

And since 'The Magical Beast' stop Chaol from killing Emma; the last surviving human on the Earth. It was granted immortality too. It was given the task to protect and flourish the Earth and Earthlings. And from then onwards; 'The Magical Beast' become the guardian soul of Emma, her descendant, this place.

Since these two lords gained immortality. So, from that day onwards they become the sole owner of the remaining two most powerful weapons, and thus they gained the title of god, through their deeds.

As Jacob created a place to live on. While Chaol destroys the entire earth.

Ahem! Ahem! Back to the present!!!

The very fellow, Lord Chaol Bluethorn Arrehnius aka God of destruction was standing at the front door of Raj's home

What do you think, will happen next!!!