jxkwodmkdkwkdk dunno what title to put anyway this is chap 5

Now that I think about it, aren't I immortal? If the only condition is to die then am I able to go back in the past till I'm a child by continously committing suicide?

In the timeline that I commit suicide did that universe gets erased or I am being transfered into a different timeline and my ability just sends my memories in a parallel world?

Valuksha is the name of that being that makes all of this possible, in my original world and my present world are they the same Valuksa or two different exact copies? if this is indeed a parallel world then the chances that they are not the same being is higher, my ability says is that I go back in time and not rewinding time, if it is rewinding time then it's the same timeline and universe, but if I just simply go back then I'm completely going back to another timeline, which means in the original world and the one after that I indeed died and that world still continues its functions.

"I see, right now I can only train in these two days and familiarise myself with my newfound abilities."Jeon-il said.

I keep training for this 2 days and I found out that my telekinesis can only control one object at the moment let's not even talk about the weight that I can carry with it, well its pathetically 2 kilograms only, at the moment that is, I don't know if I can train these to be more stronger or is just a fixed amount, the probability that it can trained is about 80%, it's not special ranked if it's strength is only 1 object and 2kg isn't it?

telekinesis is indeed a terrific ability if you can master it, if my potential is astronomically gigantic I can even tear the fabric of space using it, heck even matter manipulation is as easy as breathing.

also my electrokinesis have limitations as well the volts I can produce is only able to at most stun and paralyse people, I wonder if I can manipulate electromagnetic field with it, gaining electromagnetism just like magneto it can also help my telekinesis, or if I am able to manipulate bio electricity then I can even use disintegration on people by manipulating the electrical charges in atoms.

In universes such as The Avatar series, electricity manipulation requires the user to be mentally stable with the complete absence of emotions and peace of mind. Physically, it requires separating the energies of yin and yang, which in our universe can be interpreted as positive and negative electric potential energy respectively. When the yin (positive chi energy) and yang (negative chi energy) collide together to become whole again, lightning is created. Essentially, it's similar to matter and anti-matter collision. In which when they collide, they release pure energy in the form of protons and electrons (photons are nothing but light, not electricity). Supposedly in the Avatar Universe, the combination of yin and yang release the pure energy in the form of electricity.

it's Tuesday now, oh yeah I'm absent yesterday for the sake of training.

and right now I'm escaping classes and looking around the school, you must be wondering why? yeah I want to know where and when is the first zombie transformation occurs, not because of heroic reasons, I just want to receive the rewards for the first zombie kill.

when the time reaches 8, I heard screams in two different direction, I just ran to the closest.

'room 104.'I remembered the room number I open the door.

anddd yeah blood splattered on the floor some students can't even run because of intense fear, in those short amount of time there are already 10 zombies in the room.

I see so valuksha just directly transform them into zombies without someone biting them.

I then close the door and ran to the opposite direction, I couldn't care less about them anyway, maybe I can save them but I'm not that kind of person, I'm not a hero of some sorts and I'm not that good either, also I don't know anyone there, their life and death doesn't really concern me that much.

I ran on the direction where the other scream was, and there's 5 zombies here, a lot of students escapes already.

'So it all started in the first floor huh, are the 20% of population were instantly transformed at the same time? if it is then I'm confident on having the first kill, but if the transformation only occurs at 8am then I reckoned I'm unable to have the first kill, the world have different timezones, in other places it could be 8am. while ours were at 7am, well I'll just figure out it later, I have all the time in the world right now.

after checking the 2nd and 3rd floor, there are no zombies in the vicinity, our school is fortunate, 20% is by no means a small amount, in statistics there should also be atleast 20% zombie in our school, but if luck were in the equation which is I think we have right now, the current amount of zombies in this school was less than 5%, our room is in the 4th floor.

I go back to my room, and waited for the Apocalypse to happen, I still need the Potential Enhancement of Misha for my special abilities, I wonder if my time reversal would be increase the time he can go back.

I'll also need to ask personalise weapon from Alex.

I'll experiment if my telekinesis and electrokinesis will go back with me, and if the weapons that I put in my inventory would also go back.

I really need to know the capabilities of my time reversal in order to utilise it well, and reap awards before others have the chance to do so.

I want to be stronger until I wouldn't think of my Time Reversal as options of escaping death.

its not like I have legendary ability from the very start, well I don't but I do think that time reversal is higher than legendary.

anyway the Apocalypse started, the same sequence of events happen.

"Misha?"I said.

"Yes?"Misha said.

"Can you use your Potential Enhancement on me?"


in the next second although it's a negligible feeling, I felt that I become stronger.

"Thanks."I said and proceed to show my brightest smile I could muster.

"No problem, you're also one of the people here that have useful special ability."She said.

oh yeah you remember that situation where a student said that the students with abilities gathered here and blablabla.

I said that my ability is telekinesis, just telekinesis no need to let them know that I have electrokinesis as well there's no need for that it's not like we will be accompanying each other for a long time.

then I tried to know the limits of my telekinesis.

10kg and 2 objects.

that's good enough I guess.

I proceed to ask Alex for a weapon.

"What weapon do you prefer?"Alex asked me.

"Please do make two chakram, make it under 5kg, if you can do it then please make it as sharp and as light as possible. if possible then it must be made of tungsten, chromium, Microlattice and lastly magnesium, even just the size of a Frisbee is enough."I said.

Alex ability is almost matter manipulation and transmutation, I wonder if he can use it on zombies since they are still carbon based beings and organic, he could just make them liquid if he wants, but then I doubt Valuksha would allow that absurdity to happen, changing the nature and state of matter into another is a talk for an another day.

anyway before Alex makes my weapon he still needs to study the element structure of those elements that I mentioned in order to make it. Lucy uses her ability on Alex to fasten his reading of the elements in order to understand them.

after a while he makes my weapon.

slowly the chairs change in shape until It becomes what I just want it to be.

two silver chakrams were procured in existence.

I uses my telekinesis to lift the two objects and slowly spins them.

I spin and spin them until it produces a buzzing sound.


I throw it towards one of the chair and surely it has been but super clean.

the others look impressed normally It wouldn't be this deadly if it were in the hands of others.

but in the hands of jeon-il with his ability he can decapitate zombies in instant.

'oho this is good enough, the training for my control in these 2 days we're not in vain.'

this time I'm the one who kicks the door to start our dungeon raid.

"Let's go!"I said as I kick the door or how it should happen but no I slices it cleanly in half.

I look back to my classmates.

"What are you all waiting for?"I said as a smirk escaped my lips, I look infront of me again, putting my hands on my pocket as I exit the room leaving them with dumbstruck faces as they sympathise with the door that did absolutely nothing at all, while his classmates think of this.

what he's thinking right now is.

'That's cool isn't it?'
