
The next morning, Captain Ezumer assembled us at the field near Hanji District. All 150 cadets are here and ready to use the ODMG they handed us. But I must tell you something, he looks pissed. I don't know what pissed him, but I don't want to get caught on a storm.

"Listen up!" I was cut off from my train of thoughts as soon as I heard his voice. All of us stood still, waiting for his next words.

"I'm going to introduce three outstanding students. Please step forward." And with that, 3 male students which is also mixed with us. Why didn't I noticed them standing beside me?

The first guy has a blonde hair, a built body and a dominant stance. The second guy has a fairly slim frame, supporting a black colored hair. While the third one looks like he's about to slice our necks. He's much different from the other two guys. He has also a blonde hair, but his roots are clearly growing out. More like a pudding.

"They will be training you for further battles in the future. Introduce yourselves." Captain Ezumer said. The well built guy steps forward, looking at us like we're a bunch if peasants.

"I am Leone Relish. But you can call me Leone. I'll be in charge of your ODMG, teaching you some basic stuffs about it." Leone said as he gives us a nod.

Then the slimmer guy steps forward. "I'm Gustav Becker. I'm also in charge of your ODMG nad firearms." Gustav said before stepping backwards.

Then the third guy stepped in. He gave us all a cold glare before clearing his throat. "Axel Müller. I'll be your hand to hand close combat trainer. Don't cry when I start breaking your bones."

He said before tying his slightly long hair. Now this three are the elite students that passed the surver corps. After Captain Ezumer dismisses us, I went to approach the three students, with Amir and Yukan following me.

"Hey!" I shouted, earning their attention. They look at me, confused on why I called them. I cleared my throat before stretching my arm for a hand shake.

Gustav took my hand first with a smile. "Hi! Nice to meet you! What's your name?" He asked.

I smiled at him, knowing that we will get along pretty well. "I'm Jiro. Nice meeting you, Gustav." Leone then took my hand as well, shaking it while giving me a nod.

I was about to grab Axel's hand when he suddenly twisted my arm on my back.

"Achk! W-wait! It hurts!" I screamed as I tried to free myself. I heard Leone chuckle. "Hey Axel, take it easy." And with that, he lets me go.

He smirked at me before patting my shoulder. "I never understand why they're still taking weaklings like you." Did he just called me a weakling?

I glared at him before running towards him while his back is facing me. I thought I was going to get him when he suddenly turns around and jump, catching my arm and putting it on a arm bar before delivering a knee on my head. That actually gave me a concussion.

"What's your problem?!" I heard Yukan said. I was totally knocked out, passing out as soon as I closed my eyes.