2. The Girl In His Dream

Voice: "How could she be capable to make me stammer, dump, and senseless"

Chapter Song: I found a love for me by Ed Sheeran


"She is dead" Shiven whimpered.

Furiously, he rubbed his temple with a side glare at the girl's face kneeling beside her, it was his first time being close to a human, aside from that, her appearance doesn't seem like a girl who was being chased.

Glancing through her body, no single bruise or injury find on her, she was glowing but while will she be out there all alone by herself? Is she probably there to commit suicide?

Shiven thought randomly that he just couldn't conclude on a reason, this made him thought of giving her breath, 'After giving you breathe and you did not wake up then it means you're meant to die' He mumbled.