"Hey Bella! Where the hell are you! Didn't I ask you to wait for me?! Kelly said she saw you coming up here with someone, come out!"

An unexpected guest appeared...

"Hey Bella... is-is someone calling you? I'm just being paranoid right?....Bella?"

When Papi looked toward Bella, she was sweating like crazy. This time, instead of turning red, she looked a little more ... paler? Her hands start fidgeting and she flinched when she heard Papi speaking.

"Pa-Papi... what do we do? Its Amy."

Shit, why is Amy here? Wait, whose that? Isn't she the one that Bella was always following? Ahh, I remember now. She's one of the top student in class 3C. Well, she's the top student because her boyfriend is in class B and which student in class C with the right mind would mess with her when her boyfriend is in class B!

"Bella! why is Amy here?!"

"Ho-How would I know?!"

"And why isn't she going to Class B yet?! Wouldn't her boyfriend get her to Class B already if he really loves her? Is he hiding his second there?!"

"How would I know?!"

"Hey, quite down... she's close and she might hear us..."

Ahh..what should I do? Wait... couldn't I just scare the shit out of Bella again to go back in time? I mean, I have already tested out the time leap. Right... as long as I can make someone fear me to the peak, I can time leap. I'm sure of that! So all I have to do now is...

As Papi slowly looked over towards Bella, he could see Bella holding the end of his sleeve while looking towards the door to the stairs. She was fidgeting and sweating very hard and it reminded Papi of before, how she would always rely on him and cling onto him when she was scared.

Ahh dammit! I cant do that to her... she's too cute just standing there! Its like my body is telling me that I have to protect her, and I don't want to use her again like that!

" Sigh*... ill help you out this time, but you owe me. From now on, you'll be my emergency escape route."

"Your what?..Bu-But you're the one who pulled me up here-"

"No but! You owe me and that is the end of it."

Being full of himself, Papi started preparing his heart. Although he may look very courageous to Bella right now, but inside...

Whyyyy did I say that?! How can I help her when have no way to get out of this alive! I can hear her footsteps, ohhh shit shit shit!

*foot steps*

She's coming!! Any moment now! I really need to find a way to get out of this!!

"Umm... Pa-Papi ... she's very close... can you really get us out of this safely?..."

"Right... don't worry. I'll protect you... didn't I ask you to trust me already?"

With a dignified look on his face, and a thumbs up to reassure Bella, it makes someone wonder if he was the one who Danny had always bullied.

'Papi... you're really just like before... always there to help me and protect me when I need it the most.'

Bella's eyes started becoming teary. It's very obvious that she is a very innocent, naive, cute yet lovely girl. Cause ohh boy, if she knew what was happening inside of Papi's head, she would be disappointed.

Ohhh no...! Why is she looking at me like a puppy that has found a home! Why did I even say that to her.

"Okay Papi! I trust you!"

God Dammit!

Then the door to the stair way opened. The long awaited yet uninvited guest came.

"Bella, you here-?"

*silence as the wind blew by as if in a ghost town*

"Who are you and why are you here with Bella?"

*another moment of silence*

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Speak up!"

*yet another moment of silence*

'Papi? Is this your plan?'

"Hey! Do you know who I am?! My name is Amy, Amy Abigail! In this school of Gangsters, I am the top student in class C! I'm sure you know what that means."

'Papi, what is your plan?... you do know that she's the daughter of one of the Big Mafia gang in our country right? She's not someone to be mess with even though she is in class C... I can't do this... I can't make you her enemy."

"A-Amy! It's not his fault-"

"What with that?"


"What's with what?"

"What's with that long cliché villain introduction?"

"Huuh?! What did you just said-?"

"What I said is unreservedly what I meant"

"Wh-what are you saying?! Don't you dare go using hard words on me!"

'Amy... that isn't hard at all...'

"Hahaha...well whatever. If you're unhappy about it then come do something about it, but just one thing..."

Saying the last part, Papi tilted his head down and the sunlight from the sunset cast a shadow to one part of his face. Then his eyes widened and a small smirk appeared on his face...

"Let... Bella... Go"

It was like he is another version of joker without makeup on. His wide eyes and small smirk could only be seen here and there as the wind blew his hair from left to right. He looked menacing... but in his head...

Shit shit shit!! I'm about to cry!! Papi! keep your eyes open, do not ever let the tears drip down! Keep your cheek high, you can do this! stop the tears from flowing!

He was trying his best not to drop down onto the ground, crying and begging for forgiveness. But in Amy's eyes...

'What's with him...? He looks so vicious with that smile and big eyes... he's like a psychopath... It's almost as if he had killed someone before... wait, no way. I'm definitely thinking too much!'

"Wh-What do you mean let her go? Well whatever it is, I'll beat up your ass for looking down on the Abigail Family!!"

"Yet another cliché line! Well what are you waiting for?! Come on!!"

Ohh shit! how did it come to this?! My mind and body are not listening to me... I just ... sob* I just wanna beg for forgiveness!!... sob*

With that, Amy quickly rush towards Papi.

'Oh no... Papi is going to fight Amy? The Amy Abigail? Can he win?'

"Come on!! AHHHHH!!!!"

"I'm coming!! Haaa!!!'


It was quite a distant between Papi and Amy but it shouldn't have taken that long for Amy to reach him. It is just that.... just that her big breast were slowing her down... just a little...It's like her breast have bigger sufrace area, therefore more resistance against the air. But when she finally reached Papi, the first thing she did was sliding into a stance. It was very quick and one could tell she was very good at what she was doing. Then came a was a high kick.


She kicked Papi right in the face, a total bullseye. Papi's vision went blurred and everything was like in slow motion. His eyes were not fast enough to catch the incoming kick and he couldn't avoid it.

Am I dead now...?

"Papi!! NOOO!!!"

"Hahaha!! Isn't this what you want? Well, take this!!"

Amy was surprise at what was happening. she thought that she had made no mistake that Papi knows what he was doing. He had shown a very vicious face that she had never seen before but she was not expecting this. Therefore she was relieve.

"Hahahah! Take this!! Take that!! Front kick! Back kick! Side kick! round house! Haaaiyaa!"

the bombardment of kicks came like a storm. They were so quick, precise and heavy. With each kick, Papi flew backward and bruises started appearing on his face. Finally he cough out blood.

Why... Why am I being beaten up again...I've been a punching back for a long time. That title of mine was second to none... one was enough and I never wanted to have the title of kicking bag... God why why WHYYY!!... I can't use the emergency route now too... She's too far and I won't have a chance to build up tension to scare her.. am I going to die like this?...

After so much kicks, the bombardment was no where close to the end. With every kick, Amy's breast jiggle up and down. Truly, no one can compare with her boobs. Although Mari do have quite a big breast, maybe not as big as Amy's, but she's still a D cup after all.

I wanted to at least see Mari once again... Her straight red hair.. Her cute laughter..Her smile..

"Argh... pant*. Well.. at least... at least I can see these big boobies before I die..."

*the bombardment of kicks stop*

"Wh-Wh-Wh-What did you just said?.... "

"H-Huh...? I said.. at least... I can see... these big boobies-"

"Ahhh!! Nooo!!!"


Amy flopped down to the ground while grabbing her heart. She was literally in pain and she seemed paranoid and terrified. She was panting little by little...

What's she allergic to the word booby? wow... what a hypocrite ... Does she have a trauma or something?

"Big... boobies-?"

"Arrgghh!! No, please stop...!"


Amy Abigail had a pair of really big boob since she was in middle school. It has always made it hard for her to even run. In her middle school, the cafeteria had always sell cream milk buns and they were her favourite. But every lunch break, she would arrive late to the cafeteria because she couldn't run as fast as others with her big breast. That was precisely why she started bullying other students. She would bully them and made them do the running for her... it was her trauma and her weakness...

And yet, she showed it in front of a stranger...

"Please stop... I beg you... even my boyfriend doesn't know about it... please stop!"


Thank God I found her weakness! Oh my God... this is a gift from heaven!...

"HAHAHAH!...Big boobies-"


"Big tits"

"Arrgghh! Nooo!!"

"Cow tits!!"

"NOOO!! I beg you! Please stop!!"

"HAHAH this Is kinda fuuun~~"

Yes... I'm loving this... I can turn back time... Now, I can time leap!



".... WORLD.... RECORD.... BOOBIES!!!"


*everything became dark before lights came back*

"I'm coming!! Haaa!!!'

haha...I'm back exactly where I wanted to... I can do this! I can protect my pride and Bella. I can fulfil my promise and not let her loose her trust for me!

Right before Amy reach Papi..

"Wow, what a bouncy boob you have there..."

"Huhh... Wh-Wh-Wh-What did you say?"

"Bouncy boob-"

"AHH!!! No!! Stop!! H-how did you know...!"


Papi took a step foward, slowly... then he reach his head out to her side, and whisper into Amy's ear...

"I know... I know your past...Amy Abigail. More like... A-big-tit."


Once again, Amy flopped to the floor. She had lost all the strength in her legs. Her trauma, her weakness that even her boyfriend didn't know of... was known by Papi.

"Please... stop... I'll do anything... just don't speak about my... breast..."

"Hahaha... that's more like it...See Bella? Trust me!"

Bella just stood there in silence, confused.

'It happened again. Papi jumped back in time... as expected of my Hero, Papi.'

Then... right when Amy was the most depressed... right when Bella was adoring Papi, and right when Papi was celebrating.


Yet another unexpected and unwanted guest showed up...