Letters of Blood...

HOOLLYY SHIIIT! I've...I've really gone and fuck myself up now!

But wait...Di-Did I heard it right? Hiro...he's a man of his word, right? So If...If I win, he would grant me any wish right?...Well what good would it do for me?! Why would I even want something so badly till I would bet my life on it?! If he really is a man of his word, then won't he really kill me if I lose?! I'm not taking any chances! What if I win but he was still dissatisfied? Won't he just kill me still?!

Within only a few seconds, Papi had already went through all the possibilities that will or could happen, and guess what...IT DOESN'T LOOK FUCKING GOOD! What if the second he had lost to Hiro, what if, just what if he kills him on the spot? Well then that would be the worst. He might not even have the time and chance to use his emergency escape route if that was the case! Even if he had the chance to, what if she had the 'please protect me' face on? There's no way Papi could do it to her again!

Well, what about the instant use and no cool down, Amy A-big-tits? To be honest, every time Papi did that do her, which was twice to be exact, she had a look that was also screaming 'please protect me'.

At first when he had discovered Amy's weakness, he thought that it was quite fun to just poke at her weakness. Just watching her in pain, screaming for help and begging for forgiveness... for some reason, he felt sate from it. But then, when he first came to class C with no idea what he should do, Amy had already prepared a seat for him.

That was one of the kindest thing she could have done as having a seat in one of the class, even if it's class C was pretty hard in and on its own even if you are suppose to be in that class. Not just that, she had even made him known to the other students in class C about his appearance so that when he came in, he won't cause any ruckus.

"Hey~! So are you on with the bet?! You're taking too much time here~!"

Ohhh Shit! He's even scolding me for being slow? Damn, he's so fucking gangster! Seeing that, I'm sure he could even scold a granny if she took her time crossing the road! What do I do, what do I do?!

"Hmmm... Is the bet really that boring? Maybe we should put a little more on the line then?"

What?! He's fucking crazy! I really need to stop him!

Papi couldn't delay it anymore. He could not take the chance and put his life on the line as winning could make him a target of vengeance while losing would mean that he's a dead man. Cold sweat was starting to surface above his skin, adding on to the already sweaty Papi to an underwater Papi. With his eyes widen and his lip curving up a little, it was the sign that he was really nervous and scared yet he still tried to stop Hiro.

"Yo-You know what? Why don't we-"

"Why don't we put more on the line? Aheee! Aheee! Sure! If you win, I'll grant you any two wishes that I can, and if I win, I'll get to torture you first before I kill you! "



What? Fucker no, no, no!

When Hiro put a more horrendous bet on the line, it had made Bela, Amy and everyone else gasp once again. This time, everyone was sure that he meant it. If not, he wouldn't have put that on the line. For the Yakagi family who are one of the yakuza from Japan, their power were immense. They could move a mountain if you want them to or even change the current president if you want them to do so. But of course, It was not as easy as you think. They have the ability to do so but there are many other Mafia Family around too and they would definitely not let them do as they wish.

Papi's brain had officially burn down. Just imagining getting tortured was making him lose the strength in his legs. In fact, he really wanted to say no to the bet and just take the L as his life was more important than getting all the attentions. What use would it be if he have the attention, only to die after a few days. But...But why isn't his mouth opening?

He tried to speak but nothing came out of his mouth as it slowly curved up, showing a hint of his teeth. It was as if all the facial muscle he had were only focused on his lip and eyes as his lip was pulling up to his cheek as much as it could. It was so that he could stop the tears from rolling out of his eyes. His eyes were also wide open as it was trying to do the same, prevent his tears from rolling out. Yes, he was currently on the verge of crying and could not even utter a single word.

But from Hiro and everyone else's perspective, Papi had a look that was saying he was excited for the bet. It looked like he really could not wait to see the result of the bet, as if he was beaming with confidence that he would win and that only made Hiro more provoked and enraged.

"Haha... is that really not enough?! Really~?! Then lets kick it up a notch! Three wishes if you win, and if I win... do you perhaps have a sibling? No? Then surely you must still have at least one of your parents alive, right? Then I'll just leave the rest to your imagination"

Fuck!!! Now he's pulling my family in too? Not please! I wanna kneel down right now and beg you to stop but I can't! My body isn't listening to me!!

"Ohh, and there's no rejecting this bet. If you reject it, I'll take it as you had lost...Aheee! Aheee!"


Now, Papi's joker face too went up a notch. His cheek was puffed-up, eyes wide and bloodshot and eyebrows as high as the sky! He was horrified and was about to pee his pants.

"Wh-What the hell! He seems very excited."

"Referee, start the game."

"Ye-Yes Jiro! The third and last free kick will be from Hiro! St-Start....Now!!"


AHHHH!! I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm DEAD!! I'm not taking any chances, he's definitely not going to give me time to escape!

The ball this time was much different. It was much different in terms of speed, strength, directions and angle. If the speed of the ball kicked by Jiro and Ichiro was at the speed of Mach 1, then Hiro's was supersonic. The ball could be seen flying before the sound of 'swoosh' could be heard, but of course to Papi, it was no different as he could not even catch a glimpse of it.

When the ball had penetrated into the goal, it teared the goal net up as it was too fast. Only then did Papi realise where it was and caught a glimpse of it. Without wasting any time, Papi yelled...



He went straight back in time.

*pant pant pant*

He was scared straight to the bone down his spine so he was trying to catch his breath, trying to keep up with the speed of his heartbeat. Realistically, Hiro wouldn't have killed Papi on the spot. Reason being, he wouldn't have really meant it, right? No. He literally meant it when he said he would kill Papi.

It was just that he would have to torture Papi first to make sure he would suffer before he die. Not just that, he would make sure to torture Papi's family right in front of him first just to add to his suffering. But still, Papi would still have a chance to time leap as Amy A-big-tits was an instant use no cool down card. It was just that Papi was too paranoid, thinking that he would not have a chance to time leap. Then came the sound of Hiro's foot colliding with the ball at full force.


But before the sound of collision between the ball and Hiro's foot could even be heard, Papi's body had already subconsciously started to move. It was because his body knew that if he had only moved after the ball was kicked, his body would have not make it in time. That was how fast Hiro's ball was.

But...But why...why did the ball not take the same route as it did before? Why did it go to the left instead of the right? It makes no sense...no way...

Does Hiro have the ability to time leap or the like? Was he able to see the future or something? No...it was only his skill. He had the skill to predict and calculate the height, angle and direction Papi would jump instantaneously and adjust his kick in less than a millisecond mid air. That was how good Hiro was in football but Papi didn't know that.

"Huh...No way..No way! WORLD RECORD BOBBIES!!!"


Once again, Papi had time leaped and getting his third chance.

But... why... why is it the same? Why did he not follow what he did in the past? Why does he always know where I'll be blocking?! Again!!

The same thing happened again and again as Papi time leap after time lead. He tried to block Hiro's ball but the ball would always go the opposite of where he jumped. No matter how many times he did it, it was impossible...He tried and tried again, but to no avail. He could only time leap to the time when his own fear was at peak, so there was no way he could go back any further in time.

What's this all about...ca-can I really not catch the ball? Is-Is this really my fate? The one fate that I need to change the most yet could not... Am I really destined to die...? Then, Papi's switch flipped...

"HAHAHAHHA! Are you so worried that I won't play with you~?So much that you have to come up with so many bets? But I really have to admit it, the bets you made were really attractive. Sigh, I guess since you guys are triplets, it wouldn't be weird if your ego is three times the normal."

Veins pooped up on Hiro and his brothers' head. They really had enough. After all the horrendous bets, Papi was still not afraid? Trying to act tough, was it? And now, he was insulting them again for being triplets? This was the moment Hiro had snapped. He could not let Papi continue to disgrace him and his brothers.

"The third and last free kick will be from Hiro! St-Start....Now!!"



This time...Papi had finally caught it. Did Hiro not predict and calculate it properly this time? No, it was because this time he had aimed it at Papi instead of any other place...and it seems like he had fallen for Papi's trap...

"Hah... Dumbass..."

"Bu-Bu-Bugsy had done it... He-He really caught Hiro's ball...He had beaten the Yakagi family three to nothing!!"

"Kyyaaakk!! That was awesome Bugsy!! How are you so good at this?!"

"Kyaaak! Bugsy, look over here!! Ahh~ so hot!"

The crowd went wild. No one had expected Papi to beat the Yakagi's at their own game. The girls that had been cheering him on rushed to surround him while showering him with praises...But Papi did not forget the most important thing...

"Do-Do I get to touch boobies..?"


"Pfft! So you really wanted it~? Ahh...who knows I might have lied. But if you come eat with me at the cafe, I might reconsider~"

Papi was getting all the fame for beating the Yakagi.

"My Lord!! That was awesome~!! That's the Lord of the Abyss I know....."

"Ahh... Papi's being swept away by the girls. I'm glad he won though"

Papi was pulled over by the girls to the cafeteria, unintentionally leaving the two of them behind...

(after lunch break, back in class)

Wh-What's this...?

When Papi got back from the cafe after lunch break, he found a small note with words written with blood in his drawer...