Two options

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Rewen violently coughed before opening his eyes. He found himself in a dark room. He tried moving his arms but felt a severe pain on his neck.

"Don't move recklessly. Rest for a while." A blonde haired middle-aged man who sat beside him said in a low voice.

Rewen had no idea who this person was but guessed that the man treated him. "Umm, where is this place?" It didn't seem like he was in the Academy. 

"Are you a student from the academy?" Before the man could answer his question, a little boy suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Rewen nodded. "Are you also from the-"

"Yes! I am a genius from the academy. Big Brother, what is your name?"

"Ryu, let him rest. You go and eat something. I have to have a private chat with this brother."

Ryu showed a dissatisfied face but left without another word.