Completing Daily Missions

Rewen took the update ID and stared at the receptionist. "Can I have your number?"

It was so abrupt that the receptionist needed to double-check if she had heard what he had said correctly. She didn't think too much and took out a card. "Here."

[Ding! Daily Missions from 'Male God System' completed! Would you like to receive the rewards right now?]

[Yes] [No]

[Ding! The Host has received a Tier 1 Bronze Lottery Ticket! Would you like to use it right now?]

[Yes] [No]

'Nope. Not now.' The daily missions from the system were the same as yesterday. 'I could rely on daily missions but they probably won't give me stats which I need the most. The chained quest is the only way I could get stronger. Let's see, system. Give me something through which I get strong in a short period of time.'

[The Host is advised to use the resources available.]