Magic Artifacts (Part 1)

'Maybe but isn't it too easy to dismiss everything with 'lazy'? If I take a walk in the city and ask why they aren't working hard enough to become a noble, I would surely hear all kinds of different answers. Laziness might be one of them but it isn't a definitive answer.'

Thinking till this point, he changed his line of thought.

'Forget about society. What would have happened if I was born in a commoner's family with my family being nothing more than commoners? It would most definitely be different from how I am but to what degree? Would I have ambitions? If so, then how could I strive to reach my ambitions? Would determination and hard work be enough?' As he thought of this scenario, he remembered his situation in Gruer's Landings and a small curve appeared on the corner of his lips. 

'That world is perfect to see my limits as a person." He said out loud, before letting out a sigh. "These days, I'm frequently going off to a weird philosophical tangent---"