Witch of Batomata (Part 8)

When the others saw him writing down their information on a paper, they looked at each other but didn't question his actions.

The magician finished writing after a while, then kept the paper in his pocket. "Okay, I will come to this a bit later. For now, let's go back to the topic. So, <> is something all of you are already aware of and experienced. It increased your POW and introduced some amount of G.C. onto your body. Not exactly introduced because it was already within yourself. To say it more appropriately, it brought out the G.C. within yourselves.

"Depending on individual talents, it has increased the two factors by a considerable margin. Currently and in the few more years to come, you need to increase your POW to 20 for reaching the Bronze rank… and then, you go through the <>. Can anyone tell me why you need exactly 20 POW? Why not 19 or 21?"