
Rewen eyes flickered. 'System, use [2x Power Spike].'

Freestyle Knights Combat!


He sprinted off towards X.

[2x Power Spike] only lasts for two minutes - 120 seconds. That also means that he only has two minutes to end the fight. The scene where he hasn't yet defeated X yet is… a scenario he doesn't want to even imagine. 

Like a violent wind, Rewen closed the distance between him and X within a second.

He was going all-out. 

This was the speed of a Peak Rank 3 Mage. It has to be known that a person having an average stat of 10 has a maximum speed of 1 km/min. Stat increase follows simple math. Therefore, a person having an average stat of 100 has a maximum stat of 10 km/min.

The speed was out of the world, at least that's what it seemed for Denny.

She could only see a faint silhouette. 

'How… in the world… where is he?'