~Charater Info~

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 14

Quirk: Minecraft.

Info On quirk: Y/N's quirk is complicated but simple. If you have played Minecraft, it'll be fairly easy to understand. Y/N currently has an inventory space of 15 slots. The more developed and stronger she gets, the more slots she gets. Her tools consist of Pickaxe, Sword, Shield, Shovel, and Axe. Y/N's tools never break, but they do get worn out and need to be sharpened every once in and while. When she gets injured, she can eat any food, and her health will be regained, but like Minecraft the better the food, more health she regains. If Y/N ever dies, she'll respawn wherever she slept last. She can also craft items as long as she knows the recipe and has the ingredients. She has a crafting book in her inventory.

Y/N's Favorite Food: Steak (It gives her the most health bars.)

Y/N's Hero Costume: Visors, Hero Costume

Others: Y/N has a belt with medical supplies and potions, The small cape around her waist is very resistant to damage, The visor over her head tells her what health she's at, and same with her hunger bar. The visor also tells her coordinates at all times.

Personality: Y/N is a hot-headed girl who tends to be very absent-minded. Y/N jumps into a lot of battles without much of a thought. She has a soft spot for soft-spoken people and children. Most animals don't like her at first but warm up to her easily!

Love Interests: Nobody currently.

[Charater Info Complete, Achievement Gained- That's You!]