Chapter Two

Chapter Two

She stood up, "I got to go. The babysitter said that Tristian has a fever, and his breathing is shallow."

My eyes went wide as that didn't sound good when Tiffany looked at her with concern, "If you need to take him to the hospital, give me a call. I will sit with you."

She nodded as she ran out of the bar.

I went to chase after her when Trevor held out his hand, "She will not accept your help. She knows what she doing. Poor kid has been ill the day he was born."

I sat back down as I looked at Trevor for more answers of her situation when he cleared his throat, "Tristian has leukemia." My heart was breaking for this, but I need to know about the father, "Does his father know?"

Tiffany snorted as Trevor shook his head, "That asshole beat the shit out of her when he found out then disappeared on her. She moved out here shortly after he was born then Tristian got sick. His wife had the nerve to show up the hospital and told her that the child wasn't her husband. She pretty much threaten her if she didn't disappear."

My blood is boiling right now.

I understand why Trevor didn't want to say anything to me. I would find out who he was and go meet him at his house then beat the shit out of him then the bitch that threaten Sage to make her move.

I feel like there is more to this story though.

Damn I getting attached to his woman without knowing her for more than a couple hours.

It is like she is pulling me in to have me be her protector and to help her son get better.

Tiffany looked at her phone then she looked up in panic when Trevor asked her, "What? Is it Tristian?"

She nodded as they started to get their things when Trevor looked at me, "Man, I am sorry about this. Sage."

I shook my head as I got up with them, "I am going with you." He shook his head, "It is better if you don't." Tiffany nodded, "Right, Sage will freak out. She is overly protect with him. But don't worry Jake. We will get her warmed up to you."

She winked as I nodded that I understand I am a stranger.

I paced in the room with my son hooked up to everything under the sun. I feel like shit that I went out when he wasn't feeling good.

I am such an idiot.

I should have stayed home.

Tiffany walked into the room as she ran up to me and gave me a hug, "Is he okay?"

I shook my head as tears started to fall, "He needs a bone marrow transplant, and they are talking about more chemo treatments."

Trevor sighed as he pulled me into a hug, "We will all get tested." I nodded at him as he pulled away and placed his arm around Tiffany then pulled out his phone, "Maybe Jake can get the team to do something too to find a prefect match."

I looked at him, "Wait, he knows."

Tiffany sighed, "He was worry."

My heart dropped that he was worry but why with me.

He is not the settling type of guy, but he is human.

I sighed as I looked at my baby feeling helpless, "I can't believe I went out."

Tiffany sighed as her hands went to my arms, "Sage, you are a wonderful mother. You have stopped your world to take care of him. Sick or not. All your time is work and taking care of Tristian. Who is taking care of Sage?"

My shoulders relaxed as I bowed my head as she pulled me into a hug, "You need to take care of yourself that includes getting laid once and while."

I pulled away from her as I smacked her arm playfully, "You are bad."

She giggled, "I know."

I sat down next to Tristian's bed as I watched him sleep, "He looks so peaceful. Why does this have to happen to him?"

Tiffany looked at Trevor as he nodded and left the room when Tiffany sat next to me, "We are here with you. I will call the 'Stalker boss' to tell him that you will not be in on Monday."

I shook my head, "No, I will be there." She shook her head, "You know that you are not going to leave little man alone here."

I sighed as I looked at her, "They told me if I missed one day sick kid or not that I am unemployed."

Her eyes went wide, "Assholes."

She sighed, "You are staying here with Tristian. If you have move in with me and Trevor, we are going to make sure that your son is taking care of."

I hugged her as she has become my best friend in the past three years.

My phone ranged when I got to my penthouse with Sage and Tristian on my mind, "Trevor, how are they?"

I could hear him sniffling as his voice cracked, "Jake?"

Damn, this man never cries. This can't be good.

"He needs a bone marrow transplant, and they want him to go through another round of Chemo. I remember what Sage went through last time."



That sucks.

"How can I help her?"

He sighed, "Is there anyway that you can talk to the team to see if they can get tested to see if they are a match." I teared up, no matter whose son this is, I would do it for. "I will do one better. Let me a couple phone calls and see what I can pull off."

I hung up with Trevor as I dialed my agent, "Jake do you know it is almost midnight?"

I chuckled, "Sorry to bother during you fuck feast but I need your help."

Walter Cruz was a slut. He would fuck any thing with two legs and has pussy on his mind twenty-four seven, "This better be about a chick."

I shook my head, "Kind of. You remember Trevor?" He chuckled as he knows actually who I am talking about, "What about him?"

I tilted my head, "Well, His friend Sage's son is in the hospital in need of a bone marrow transplant." He sighed, "Shit. Sorry man. But how can we help."

I looked out my window of penthouse, "Run an event where people can get tested to see if we can find a match for him. Apparently, mom is not a good match."

He sighed, "Dad?"

My fingers folded to my palm as I clenched, "Deadbeat, He use to beat the shit out of her."

It took him a moment when he asked, "Do you want to fuck her?"

I chuckled, "That is not the point."

He laughed, "Oh but it is. I will see what I can do. I will get back to you."

I nodded when I smirked as I remember the way Sage smelled.

She is going through hell and all I can think about is ways I could fuck her. I am an asshole to be thinking this way right now, but my manhood can't help but to get hard as hell.

She is what you consider as a MIF.

Damn it.

I went to the couch as I plopped down as I called some of the teammates to get on board.

I spent all night calling all that I could to get people on board as I left my mother for last when I got up in the morning.

I skyped her as I started making breakfast, "Jake, how are you doing?" I smiled at her, "I been good mom."

She tilted her head at me as I gathered my ingredients for my breakfast, "Jake, what is going on?"

She knows me too well.

She knows when something is bothering me, and she is also been on my ass about settling down 'you are twenty-four and it is time to start thinking about building a family with someone special.'

I sighed, "There is this little boy that is in the hospital and he needs a bone marrow transplant." She looked at me with a sad look, "Oh dear."

I teared up as I can show my mother my emotions, "He is only five."

She shook her head to me, "What do you need me to do to help?"

I sighed as I placed my knife down, "I need everyone to get tested to see if they are a match." She tilted her head as she knows I have a big heart but to take it so personal, she knew there was a reason behind it, "Does this have to do anything about Trevor's friend Sage?"

I stared at her through the screen, "What do you know about Sage?"

She chuckled, "I know that she is a good mom. Trevor called me about her last year when Tristian was in the hospital. He wanted to know how to help her without over stepping."