WebNovelHOPE CITY80.00%

chapter 4

"Kill them all" the scarred man calls out, he activates the heartsibieod on his chest the beating increases, strengthening him, he grows bigger, muscles bulging out everywhere. The rest also activates their heartsibieod, some gaining speed while some gaining defense or another type, the teeth guy gains hypermobility, dodges the guard's bullets closes into one of the guards, opens his jaw wide swallows the head, and bites down on the neck severing his head from his body.

"Ah! did he just use 2 types of evolution" a guard cries out in fear, but before he could get his answer, he gets stabbed in the chest by another assailant with razor-like nails it grows out of his back and strikes another guard in the stomach killing all of them at once.

The head guard runs with speed presses a button on the hilt of his hatchet, the blade begins to vibrate very fast creating air distortion around it, he cuts at the scarred man who instead of dodging stands there with a mocking look, the hatchet cuts at him, instead of living a long gash in his stomach it vibrates the flesh around it tearing it apart and leaving a wider gash, blood, and intestine flying everywhere.

"Hmph, is that all you got," he says with a mocking look the wound closing up immediately.

"What in tarnation is that?" The head guard says, stepping back with a look of horror all over his face.

"Now die" swings his fist at the head guard face smashing his nose, he follows up with another punch, and another and another, he grabs his neck and snaps it easily " too weak, can you see Nester this is the power of the corps a race humans can never beat, join me." He says with a little satisfying grin.

"Not bad" nudges his glasses and puts his hand in his pocket looking calm " a C rank regenerative heartsibieod, rare".

By now all the other guards were dealt with, the scarred men surrounds Nester, each with an evil grin on their faces there was nothing Nester could do, even if it was acclaimed that Nester evolution could be an S rank. It was still a mind type ability and all is other physics could not be more than an E rank.

"Nowhere to run now Nester" scarred face said, grinning,

"Did I ever mention anything like running" he smiles at them

"what the" before the guy could even finish his sentence, slash, his head rolls over, right next to it, was a young lady in black, a katana on her waist and one in her right arm, even though she had just used it to take a life it was still spotless no bloodstain or whatever on it, the reflecting light giving it a sharp and menacing look. She was Kim soo-mi. Pitch black long hair going down to her waist, her deep blue eyes staring coldly at them, giving them all a fright, even the scarred man with all his years of experience was frightened by her.

"Your late" Nester calls out breaking the silence, he checks his watch, "huh" sighing".

"whatever, clean them up" he declared not even glancing at the others.

She starts to attack cutting them down with just one swing each.

"Boss, she's a C rank agility type no one here can take her down, what do we do," the teeth guy said frighteningly

"My C rank regenerative heartsibieod should be able to match up to her. Go, kill the scientist while I hold her off," he said running at her, this was not the only C rank he had ever fought, and it wouldn't be the last, with his D rank strength he wasn't a match for her, it might look like it was just one rank difference but it wasn't. C rank was known to be the beginning of human growth only a C rank and above could fight against the cops, not just because of their evolution alone but because after reaching C rank your other body functions evolve to F rank. If you are a stronger type, by reaching C rank your speed, defense, regeneration, etc reaches F rank that is, no F rank speed type could dodge the blow of a C rank strength type but could evade the blow of an E and D rank strength type. However, with his healing ability, he should be able to take some blows, giving enough time for his teammate to finish the job.

"Time to die Nester" teeth guy declared grinning.

"Hmm" Nester pulls out a handgun with a red like a pearl in the maw aiming at him.

"Ah, seriously, you of all people should know that with my hypermobility dodging bullets is a piece of cake" he smirks

"You poor street dogs like to showcase your strength like you have one, do you think you were sent here to kill me, while a clops support you at the back?. Foolish" he nudges his glass and fires, instead of a bullet, a red laser beam shoots out incredibly fast, strikes the teeth guy so fast before he could even react".

"Even Rex would have a hard time dodging," Nester said pocketing his gun

Kim soo-mi attacks, the scarred man braces for impact, even though he was ready he was still surprised at how he was spinning thinking to himself was she able to spin him in air, does she also have strength type, but that was impossible, the spinning slows down allowing him to get a better view. The scarred man sees his body headless, before he lands back on it, his head connecting to his neck, the healing ability kicks in joining his body back with his head.

"Fuck, she is too fast. I could have died so easily. What the hell is she", he thinks to himself. Already spooked he backs away, Kim soo-mi links her cold blue eyes with his, scaring him shitless.

She attacks again this time going for his heart. The scarred man panics steps back a bit but finds himself lighter than before the constant squirming and beating of his heartsibieod seems to have stopped, he looks down but is greeted with a gaping hole through his left chest, his heart and heartsibieod missing.

" h... how" he falls to the ground dead

"Are you alright master" she walks to Nester not even sparing a glance at the man she just killed? Her steps were measured and her breathing was stable not even breaking a sweat like she had just recently walked past them no sign of having gone through a fight." How could they dispatch such weaklings after master" she thinks to herself.

"Yes,"  he walks towards some computers, plugs in a device.

"You should go after the clops before it escapes, take this" he gives her a black band, she takes it frowning, wearing it, it digs through her skin, scans her DNA before activating.

Black like liquid with a metallic look burst out of the band creating a suit on her "what's this" she asks surprisingly

"Just go I will explain later" he complains dismissively. " the council has been over corrupted, I will need to conceal my movement more thoroughly,"  Nester thinks to himself. Humanity were fickle beings with the power exhibited to them by the clops they could easily change their allegiance by acting as spies for the clops.