Under the Stars

"Eyes on your work Kaminari." Iida spouted. "Dude, it's just a mock exam, calm down class rep." Kaminari defended. "A mock exam should be treated with the same integrity, this shows your dedication to doing your absolute best." He chops his arm as always. I raise my hand, "um class rep, we haven't had a break in two hours. My neck is stiff and I could really use the facilities." Iida looks around and lets out a small sigh. "Yes, a break would be good everyone take 45 minutes." Everyone rushed out various people thanking me for helping with the overzealous class rep. I head towards the bathroom and pull out my phone to send a quick message. *I know you're busy, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. Be safe my love* I decide to use 20 minutes for a nap, waking to a message from Toru *Where are you? We're trying to make plans for tomorrow. Last bit of fun before finals and graduation.* I send a quick reply letting her know I'm on the way.

"It's a lot of effort for the last minute, especially with four eyes riding our asses" Bakugo explodes. "Hey you guys, what's up?" "FINALLY! Therapist, back me up and tell them there's no way we can pull off a Year 3 prom by tomorrow!" He burst. I look at him and then to our friends. "We don't have time to plan a whole prom you guys, how about we put together a sweet picnic under the stars instead." Everyone buzzes at the suggestion discussing where, food, music, etc. With everyone happy I turn to Bakugo he looks at me with a small smile and sits with Kirishima wrapping his arm around him. All of the details are settled in not time. Uraraka was able to convince Mr. Cementous to lay out a dance floor surrounded by trees. The boys would hang string lights all around the dance floor prior to the picnic. Different people agreed to make various foods from sandwiches to dumplings. I'm in charge of making my famous lemonade. Everyone felt elated as they returned to Iidas planned study sessions.

I stare at the large dispenser of lemonade trying to figure out how to move it all the way to the refreshments table. Suddenly it lifts in the air, Midoriya realizes I hadn't noticed him. "Oh, uh, didn't anyone tell you it was my job to move all the heavy stuff for those without a power quirk. You should go get ready." I look down at my baggy tee shirt and cheer shorts and realize he's right giving him a smile as I head off to my room. Bakugo cuts me off. "L/N, there you are, about yesterday, I'm sorry if I put you on the spot I know you're more level headed about that romantic shit and they listen to you. Thanks for backing me up, and your idea isn't ass." I look at him for a moment happy to see the real him, even if just for a second. "It was no problem Kacchan, you were right, and I'm glad you like my idea." I beam a smile at him. He just looks down "pfft, whatever." and walks off, leaving me to get ready.

I sit in the grass, Tamaki behind me holding me up with his arms and body breathing his scent in. I feel a little sad this may be the last time we're all together like this. Next Saturday was graduation, everyone agreed two months ago not to have date night and celebrate graduation with our families. My grandparents and Torus parents already decided on a nice dinner at the Hagakures with us girls and the boys. Hagakures parents already met Ojiro last summer and saw him over the winter break, but my grandparents haven't had the opportunity to meet Tamaki yet.

"Bunny?" Tamaki whispers. "hmm?" I reply. "Will you please d-dance with me?" he asks just below a whisper. I smile and get up him offering his arm as he leads me to the dance floor. A slow song was playing almost half of everyone had already gone inside. I put my hands on his shoulders as he places his on my hips the two of us swaying to the music, me looking at him in awe. I love this man, I never knew it was possible to love anyone this much. I lean in closer to him and stand on my tip toes. "Tamaki" I shakenly whisper into his ear. "I want you to make love to me." I confess. He stiffens his adrenaline rising, I decide not to use my quirk, seems like an appropriate response. "A-are you sure?" he asks, "I-I don't mind w-waiting, I only w-want to m-m-make l-l-love to you if you're p-positive it's m-me you w-want." I pull him into a hug and press my face into his chest. "You're the only want I want my love, I've thought this through I'm sure, I want this Tamaki, If you're willing." He smiles taking my hand into his and kisses it, then leads me away from the dance floor.