Working for Hawks Agency

I follow the secretary into an office, the only thing in there is a desk and filing cabinet. "This is your office, after the tour we can go down to the basement for you to choose a chair. A computer and printer will be brought in over the weekend. Anything else you might need you'll need to bring with you." I look around taking mental notes of the intimate space taking time to appreciate the window latch so I can open it up. I follow her back out so she can show me the rest of the area I'll be working in. The waiting lounge isn't far from my office and just across from it are the restrooms, it's a bit of a walk to the kitchen and breakroom but both are nice. We head downstairs where an older gentlemen shows me office chair options. I opt for a mesh one with lumbar support. "Alright Mrs. L/N, I'll have it sent up by Monday." he smiles at me with kind eyes. "Thank you sir, but its Miss actually, I am unmarried." He bows "forgive me miss, I was mistaken, I thought you seemed to be with child, my wife tried to hide that same sick look on her face with all three of ours, must have been nerves." I prepare for the worse, the older generation can be harsh, but I'll be showing soon. "You weren't mistaken, I am almost 9 weeks along, I just also happen to be unmarried." He looks up at me with pity in his eyes, a look I'm starting to get used to. "You poor dear, if you need anything, please let me know." That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"Y/N there you are, I was just about to head out for the day when I remembered you were coming in for your tour, thought I might take you shopping for office essentials as a thank you for all your help last month, I also buy every new office employee a succulent as a gift, so we can choose that while we're at it." The office furnishings manager gave Hawks a suspicious look but said nothing the secretary on the other hand looked as though she were plotting my murder. "That's really kind of you sir, but it isn't necessary." Hawks scoffs and tosses his arm around my shoulder "What's with the sir kid thought we knew one another better by now, I already called Tamaki and told him I was keeping you late and not to worry." I sigh realizing I have no choice, but feel relieved that the mention of Tamaki at least removed the murderous stare I was catching. "Ok, thank you then I greatly appreciate it sir." He gives me a sideways glance. "Hawks?" I say uncertain. "Yes that one, I don't know if you've been told a different name, but I'd appreciate you keeping it to yourself if you have." I giggle Touya did call him Keigo in front of me a few times, but I got the feeling that was privileged information.

I run cold water over my face before looking in the mirror. I don't know how I'm still alive at this point I feel like most of the food I eat is never metabolized before my body rejects it. I have had an easier time of it the last two weeks with the teas the midwife suggested, but still having difficulty. When I walk out Hawks is holding a picture frame, he turns it to me smiling, it's meant for ultrasound photos and is customizable for which week the image was taken. It's cute, but I shake my head, no telling what the boys might think of the first baby related purchase I made being while I was out with Hawks. We head towards the office supply section and start looking at organization supplies. "All the desk on your floor are the same, you have a total of five draws. Do you want organizers for your pens and such in the draw or on the desk?" I hadn't thought of that part yet, I don't like the idea of a messy desk, so I opt for in drawer. Before long the cart holds clear in drawer organizers, F/C document organizers for on top of the desk, a dry erase board with a cork section, dry erase markers, push pins, stapler with staples, pens, highlighters, paper clips, and a waste paper basket. "Hawks, I feel like this is too much, you have to let me pay for some of this stuff." he pushes my hand away from my purse, "don't even think about it. You saved my oldest friend and I don't just mean that shit with Shigaraki. Besides you need your money for the baby." I wipe the stupid tears from my face "Thank you."

I try so hard to eat, Touya made F/F and it looks amazing, but the smell of food still makes me gag. He watches me for a little while before going to make me a cup of tea. While the tea seeps he gives me my vitamin with a glass of water, I groan, the only thing worse than trying to eat is trying to swallow this disgusting giant pill. I take a few deep breaths before I just slam it back to get it over with. Tamaki comes in from work makes a plate then sits at the table. "Have you eaten anything at all bunny?" I nod slowly "a few bites, but not much." he grabs my hand kissing it "thank you for trying, I wish I could make you better." I smile at him as Touya sits down my tea.

"Now that everyone's home, how was the tour and shopping for office supplies?" I describe my office and the work space showing them pictures of the office supplies on my phone. "Hawks took it with him, said he'd have the board hung for me and that you two would bitch him out if he left me to carry all that stuff into the office." They nod in agreement. Tamaki lets out a yawn standing, "It's been a long day, I'm going to head to bed." he kisses me on the head telling me he loves me, walking to our room happy after I tell him I love him too. I took a nap when I got home so I'm not tired, naps have become a normal part of my day causing me to stay up later at bed time. "Wanna watch a movie?" Touya ask, I nod and he starts searching Hulu for something to put on while I use the restroom. We sit together on the couch he scoots in closer to put his arm around me. He does this whenever we are alone, I know he just wants some kind of intimacy from me, I feel guilty not meeting him halfway but fear he may take it the wrong way if I do. The movie is about halfway over when I get up "Sorry, we can finish it another time, I'm getting tired." He hugs me for a long moment and plants a kiss on my forehead "Good night little mouse. I love you." My heart feels a stab at his words, but I never deny him his feelings, "Goodnight Touya" I head to bed and cuddle close to Tamaki.