Chapter 13 "Iris"

I was knocked out. I thought I was dead. But when I woke up I was in a cell. I looked around and there was someone standing there near my cell.

"Hello! Excuse me. Can you tell me where I am?" I ask. No response. I just ignore it. I'm trying to remember what happened. We were going to escape and Mr. Villarreal said that he was going to go out first. But I went out first, and then the rest is blank.

I hear some footsteps and then I hear "She's awake sir." One soldier says.

"Thank you dismissed." Another man says.

"Where am I? Where is my daughter?!!!" I shout.

"Hahahahaha! You think it is going to be that simple. You thought that you were stronger than my men you are gladly mistaken. You are here on The Base. As for your daughter I don't know where she is. But they won't be away for long. Now tell me where could they have gone?" He asks.

"I thought you were all powerful. Shouldn't you know already where they are?" I say with a chuckle.

"Do you want us to torture the information out of you? Because I have plenty of men who would love the opportunity to do that." He says with an evil grin.

"Go for it. I'm not scared of you. And any man willing to torture a woman for any reason isn't really a man. Now do what you must, I will not tell you anything." I say grinning back at him.

"Very well then. Maybe we could just starve you instead how about that?"

"Are you just going to keep asking me what I think is the best way to torture me? Because I'm getting bored now."

"Ugh! Fine you got me. We don't do that type of stuff here. We are mostly scientists here. The only fighters we have here are the guards. I'm sorry, allow me to introduce myself my name is Elijah. I'm the lead scientist here at The Base. I'm sorry that we have you prisoner, but we don't have a choice. We had some new scientists working on some confidential things and they messed up. Those waves killed your whole town. We didn't mean for this to happen. But we had to fix our mistake. Now can I get you anything? Water, food, a blanket anything?" He asks while blushing.

"No I'm fine. Thank you though?" I say confused. "Why are you being so nice to me? Don't you want me dead?"

"Want, no. Need, yes. I'm being nice cause I was raised to be nice to women. Especially a beautiful one with beautiful green eyes." he says while blushing.

I can't help but blush to. How is it that this stupid guy who basically wanted to kill me can make me feel all flustered and all that. I mean I can't lie he is a really good looking guy. He is tall white complected man with hazel eyes and long black hair that he has up in a messy man bun. He is definitely much better looking then my husband.

See the day of the tsunami's I just found out that my husband was having an affair. He accidently called me and I could hear them talking about running away together and leaving Gracie and I. I couldn't take it anymore, I hung up the phone and texted him not to come home. And then I called my dad. Then the tsunami hit and well now I'm here locked in a cell with a guy who "needs" to kill me but is flirting with me instead.

"So, now what? Am I just going to stay locked away in here? Or are you going to let me go?" I ask.

"Look I don't want to kill you. I prefer that I don't kill you. But I don't have a choice they want you dead to cover up our mess."

"Alright well just get it over with. I know my daughter is in good hands and that's all that matters to me. Now are you going to kill me or is someone else going to do it?" I say with attitude.

"Well look I really don't want to kill you. Maybe I can work something out to where we won't kill you."

"Whatever." I say but I try to hide the sigh of relief that I let out. I mean I don't care if I die, I'm just scared of death.

He leaves and I am alone here with my thoughts. I know Vanessa will keep her promise and take care of Gracie as her own. I just hope they are all safe. And hopefully "Guy" is taking care of them and keeping his promise.

After a few moments, Elijah returns and he looks sad.

"Let me guess, they want you to be the one to kill me." I say while sitting on the bench in the cell, giving him a death glare.

"Well that and they want me to be the one to torture the information out of you. I don't want to do that. I know I just met you but I feel something for you and I just want to understand what that is. So instead of torturing you I'm going to ask you some questions and get to know you. I want to help you. I'm in the business of science not murder. I didn't sign up for that. So I'm going to reunite you with your family." I'm shocked with what he is saying. "I already talked to some people from a place called The Facility. They are willing to help and from the information that they are giving me, seems as though your friends are in touch with them and they are going to bring my bosses down. So Iris.... what do you say? you want to help?" He asks with a sparkle in his eyes.

I should be worried that he might be compromising us but that feeling that he is talking about I feel it also. I look deep into his eyes trying to find a flaw, but I can't. So then I say, "I'm in."