Chapter 22

All of us are on alert because John and Chris don't ever knock on the door. They have a key they usually come in. We are all standing up waiting to see if we need to be ready to fight or if things are ok..... then Alejandro goes to the door and checks it and then the person on the other end knocks again and then says, " Hey I'm Sam. I am here to see Vanessa. I have news I think may be very important to her. Can you please let me in?"

Alejandro went to take a peek through the peep hole and well he couldn't exactly confirm or deny that Sam is actually Sam. So he called me to go and check and I take a peek and I see that it is in fact Sam.

"Calm down everyone. It's really Sam." I open the door and I let her in.

"Hey Sam sorry about that. We are just being extra cautious about who we open the door for." I say.

"I totally understand Vanessa. I didn't have your number but I remember you told me where you were staying so I figured that I would come and tell you the great news in person."

"Well spit it out, what is it?" I say as I gently smack her on the arm.

"Alright, alright. Our boss has agreed to put this story out about Harmony. And if we are right then we will be able to get you guys out of hiding and no more violence by the end of the month."

"Wow so you are really saying that we can stop being on the run and I can be reunited with my son by the end of the month?" I ask with so much excitement, I can barely contain myself.

"Yes but there is a catch." Sam says.

"There is always a catch. Isn't there? What's the catch?" Mr. Villarreal asks.

"It's nothing big or even the end of the world I promise. Mine and Vanessa's boss want to do an exclusive interview with you guys. I mean we are going to publish this story and there are going to be a ton of questions about you guys and what you all have been through. It only seems logical don't you think?" Sam says making a point.

"I mean you have a point there Sam. But wouldn't the press look into our past? Not that I have anything to hid but isn't that what you all do? Mr. Sanchez asked.

"No don't worry about that, you all are the victims. My boss however Alejandro was talking about possibly doing more with you because you were apart of The Base and now you helped save their lives. If that's not a problem I can have my boss come by later on today, say in about 2 hours to begin getting the information that he needs. And then begin scheduling when we can interview you all and go from there. What do you say Vanessa?"

I look around at everyone and they all look skeptical and that makes sense. The people we have trusted have put targets on our backs. So with that in mind I say, "Guys look its hard I get that. But do we want to be on the run for the rest of our lives? I sure as hell don't want to. I want my son back. I don't think I can go another second let alone another life time without my son. I miss him. I miss our lives how they used to be before that stupid wave. We are a family and yes this experience has been shitty, but look at it this way either way they are going to run this story. But Sam," I say looking at her now. " I hope you guys can get some kind of funding to pay us so we can be able to start over. I mean do what our company always does when people reach out to us for help. I am sure William won't mind helping us out. I mean we are going to give him a story that will make the network a lot of money." I say raising my eyebrow.

Sam looks at me and raises her eyebrow as well and smiles and there for agrees with me. "Alright then we have a deal?"

We look around and everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Then it's settled we will be back in about 2 hours to begin the interviews you all can decide amongst yourselves on who will go first."

"I think Vanessa should be interviewed first. She is pregnant and she needs all the rest and doesn't need to be stressed about anything. That way she is interviewed and then she can just relax." Mrs. Sanchez says.

"Oh, um, Vanessa, yo- your- uhm, you are pregnant?" Sam asks with this look in her eyes that makes me sad.

"Yea in all this craziness I found a way to get knocked up as well. Hahaha." I say trying to get her to smile.

"Oh, well, I um- I am happy for you. William will be by in about 2 hours to interview you all." Sam says trying to hurry out the door.

"Don't you mean you and William will be back to interview us?" I ask while grabbing Sam's hand.

She looks down at our hands and just nods and walks out the door. That was so weird. I think to myself. I look back and Alejandro is giving me the same look that I am giving him back. That was just so confusing.

"What was all that about?" Mr. Sanchez asks.

"I am not sure. Sam is never like this. She is always so nice and so helpful." I say.

"Vanessa isn't obvious she is in love with you." Mrs. Villarreal says.

"What are you talking about? Sam isn't in love with me. We have worked together for years there is no way that she is in love with me. And besides she knows I don't like girls like that." I say thinking about all the times that Sam has been super sweet to me and I mean I figured it was a small crush but not like that, like just her thinking that I am pretty but that's it.

"OK enough about this. Lets clean up and be ready to talk to William. I don't know if he will video record us or if he will just audio record us. Lets just be prepared for either one." I say as we all start to clean the house and shower and get presentable for the interview.

As I am in the shower the only thing that I can think of is how after today I am that much closer to being with Isaiah again. If things go the way that I want them to then I am only 4 weeks away from holding my son again.

"William will keep his word, he always does." I keep repeating to myself.