Church part – 2

"Where is she?" Question Rosalie in anger.

They were standing at the place where they had stabbed Anna. But instead of her body laying on the ground, there were only patches of blood and nothing else.

Augusta caught hold of the neck of a leader of a group and pin him on the tree. " I have told you not to leave her alive. But you stupid thing has spoiled my hard work of all these years." The man was no match for Augusta who have royal blood in her veins and who was also old in age and knowledge.

" We had stabbed her with shura. She won't be able to escape from the forest. Most likely already dead from the poison. Don't worry my lady, I will find her immediately." The men tried to explain with difficulty.

"You better hurry up then." Barked Augusta in a dangerously cold voice.

He and two other of his partners who had followed him in the woods this time also, started to look for the girl.

A man named Marius noticed the trail of blood on the ground.

" There! There is a blood mark ", he pointed in the direction.

All of them start to follow the trail. The more they enter the deep forest tracking blood, the worst feeling rose in Augusta's heart. Because those woods were very dark, and almost no one dared to enter here, let alone a wounded girl. After walking around an hour or so, they reach the abandoned church.

When the broken building came into view, Augusta's eyes widened in shock and her heartbeats increased. She knew that church. She has Heard many stories from people about it.

It was a famous church back then around a thousand years ago. It was famous because of a very powerful witch who lived here as a priestess. People used to say that she was the most powerful witch ever lived. People always folk around the church for her guidance and help.

But suddenly rumors started to spread that the priestess got corrupted and she was sacrificing people of the village to gain more powers. And one day all the villagers come together and kill the witch with a very powerful holly dagger in her own church. After that all people who lived near the church moved out, and gradually this part of the forest became deserted. No one dares to put foot in this part. People said that her soul still roams in and around this church, which used to be her home.

Just looking at the building makes people shiver. There were Crawling marks on the ground, which indicates that someone has entered the church. Who was no doubtedly Annabelle.

"What is she doing at a place like this?" Questioned Rosalie.

" I think we should leave this place as soon as possible, my lady. It's not safe here." Whispered Marius.

Of course Augusta knew that better but she can't back off now unless she sees the Annabelle dead with her own eyes.

" What are you afraid of? Let's go in " Ordered Augusta

All of them entered the chapel. There was a coolness in the air inside, which gave goosebumps to one's body. They entered deeper and saw Annabelle lying on the floor.

Once rosy face of her now looked very pale. The white gown was inked red with her blood, also the mud and dry leaves from the forest got stuck on her dress.

Sensing someone's presence Anna opened her eyes with difficulty. Her body moved and she glanced at the newcomers, her eyes can't focus, and everything was blurry. She felt a glimmer of hope in her heart.

" Ohh Anna! What happened to you dear? " exclaimed Augusta with visibly fake concern In voice. Identifying her voice Anna tried to get up in the hope for the help, but when she got a clear look of them, she saw the two people who attacked her, and she froze on the spot.

" Don't be afraid of them my dear. They won't do anything to you." Assured Augusta. There were complete emotions on Rosalie's face.

" Yo....You sent them to hurt me? " Stammered Anna. It was more like a statement than a question. Augusta gets near her and squatted down beside her.

" Oh dear no no, what are you saying? I didn't send them to hurt you, BUT TO KILL YOU." At her last words she grabbed Anna's hair and pulled them roughly. A gasp escaped from Anna's lips because of pain.

" But look at you. Very stubborn, aren't you? No matter how much I tried to kill you in the past or now but you always manage to escape. But that won't happen today . I will finish you now here, for once and all." Hatred was clearly visible in Augusta's eyes.

"Wh....why are you doing this to me? I have never wronged you in any way. Where are my mother and Dominic? Did you kill them too?" Anna's body was burning due to the poison. Her mind was unable to find the reason why someone tried to kill her from the royal family, when she was no threat to them in anyway.

" Your existence alone is a threat to me. Ohh not only me but many others. As long as you are alive they will never leave you alone. So I thought, let me do the work on their behalf." Replied Augusta and she yank her hair once again.

" You know, let me tell you why. After all, I should answer your last question, as in fulfilling your last wishes. Each time, when the time of the current witch queen is over. New chosen one born to become the new queen in the line. From the past five hundred years all the queens came from the Brigham family, my family. But something went wrong this time. I thought I would be the queen after my mother but no. It's ok I thought if not me then my daughter will be the one. But again when I found out that she is also not the chosen one, do you know how I feel?" Augusta was In rage.

" And who is the next queen? The lowly peasant like you? I won't let that happen." Barked Augusta.

" Chosen one? Me? How could that be?" Thought Anna to herself.

"Killing me doesn't mean that your daughter will become the queen" Mumbled Anna.

" Oh my dear don't worry about that, I already have a solution for that too. Now all I have to do is to kill you. Everyone lets go." With that Augusta got up and started to leave.

" No. Wait, I will let you be the queen if you want. I will not tell any other soul about this, please spare my life. Rosalie please tell her please, save me you know I won't do anything to harm you. I don't want any throne. I will leave this village with my mother and Dominic. Please spare us." Plead Anna.

There were complicated emotions on Rosalie's face, she doesn't want any of this, but she has to do it. For that one person she loves. Seeing her best friend in pain, which was caused by her own mother, there was little regret in her heart, but she had no choice. Not able to listen to more pleading from Anna, Rosalie left the chapel.

Augusta, who was leaving, turned around and said.

" I heard that fire is the best way to kill us witches, you know. So, let's do that." With that Augusta also exited the church.

"Jorah you are the fire Wielder right?" When the man nodded Augusta commanded him to put the church on fire.

" Good, burn this church to ashes. Remember, nothing should remain intact from this building."

The man named Jorah just nodded and started to chant some spell, his hand was moving in the air making circles. After that he released the fire and set the whole building on fire. In just a matter of seconds the building started to burn like the dry sticks of wood. After some time the building started to collapse due to fire. After seeing this herself Augusta left with her group.

Inside the church Annabelle was desperately trying to move out of the church. But soon the fire engulfed her surroundings. In just a few minutes the stone and bricks started to collapsed.

" So this is the end of my life!" Thought Anna to herself. She was not only worried about herself but for her family too.

" Queen mother, where are you? You promised me that you will always be there when I need you. Please save me queen moth…" With that Annabelle surrendered to darkness.
