In the cemetery

Soon he reached the bedroom of Annabelle and enter the key in the keyhole. With click-sound door opened.

Faron was about to push the door, but then suddenly room opened from the inside.

Both the people stared each other. Annabelle was in a bathrobe and one towel was wrapped aroundher head. Her skin was flushed like someone who just had a shower.

She looked curiously at the butler and then the keys In his hand.

"Do you need me for anything, butler Faron?" asked Anna in her fake curious tone.

Faron was confused at first but he didn't show it on his face.

" Yes I was here to deliver the medicine. But you didn't open the door, so I got worried." Said Faron masking the doubts in his voice. He was trying to see inside the room but Anna has only opened the door a little. And with her standing between, he can't see anything inside.

Ohh….I was taking a shower. Sorry for making you worried" Anna said.

Faron immediately retrieved the tray "May I?" He Asked for permission to enter. Anna looked at him for a second before replying

"Sure." She stepped aside.

Faron entered the room and glance around but Everything was normal inside. It was like the mess that was earlier had never happened.

Faron put the tray on the bed-side table and handed the medicine and glass of water to her. Meanwhile checking the room with his sharp eyes.

Annabelle gulped them handed back the glass. Then Faron left the room after wishing her night.

Anna closed the door immediately and have a sigh of relief.

"Pheww… That was close."


When she heard the knock a second time, Anna mind started to process the situation.

' What should I do…? What to do…?'

'Yes... yes... That will help.' Murmured Anna.

Soon she lift her hand and chant some spell. It took a while for the spell to work, but soon all things rose in the air, like they were flying.

Then they started to organize at their original places. In just a matter of seconds the room take back its original clean and organized form.

At this moment someone shout from outside. Anna realizes it was Faron the butler of the mansion.

Ignoring his voice Anna enter the bathroom, and she hurriedly removed her clothes and started the shower. After socking herself wet she hurriedly put the bathrobe and ran out of the bathroom rush towards the door.

It was the exact moment when Faron unlock the door, and she saw him with the keys.


" it was good that I was able to manage or else…" she doesn't want to think about it any more.

She glanced at herself and change herself in night pajamas. Then dry her hair and lay on the bed.

After using her abilities for the first time today her body felt quite weak.

"From starting tomorrow I need to train my body so I can perform more spells." With that Anna closed her eyes and soon after fell asleep.


At the soulwoods village.

In a small living room of a small house many people has been sittings on the sofa.

The atmosphere was little gloomy. Everyone was silent.

Only occasional sobs can be heard from the woman sitting on the sofa. Besides her was a girl in her early twenties.

" Please aunty eat something. Not eating won't change anything." Said Mia.

"It will affect badly on your health if you continue like this. Please, mother." Said the young man wearing black jeans and a light blue t-shirt.

" Dominic is right, aunty. Here, have it" Mia held the loaf of bread near Judith's mouth.

Judith turned her head aside. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her face was pale and the body thinner.

Mia looked at the Dominic, her eyebrows creased together. But she kept trying

"aunty please just one bite, for us" said Mia. Judith slowly turned out her head towards her and took a small bite.

After she finished eating some food Mia help her to her room and let her rest for a while.

When Mia came out of Judith's room she glanced at Dominic. The young man she knows wasn't there anymore. His eyes were closed, dark circles around them. She finds him hardly smiles nowadays.

It was just five days ago they were happy about his and Annabelle's wedding. She haas witness all those special moments of the childhood. The childhood friends became lovers and then they were going to bond their love for eternity by marriage. But….

Suddenly Mia's own eyes become misty, she wiped her tears and walked towards him. Tapped on his shoulder.

Dominic opened his eyes.

" I think you should go and take a rest too. I'm staying here for sometime." Said Mia.

He just nodded and stand up from his sit and left without another word. Mia walked behind him till the main door. She stared at his lonely back for a while then, returned inside the house with a sigh.

The men continued to walk in a straight direction. His face was emotionless. On the way many people gritted him but he didn't answer them, perhaps he didn't even hear them.

Soon he reached at the crossroad. The way was splitting into Three roads.

One road led out of the village, while the other led towards his home. But the man's gaze was fixed on the third one.

He stood at the crossroad for at least ten minutes. There were complicated emotions on his face, seemingly he was deciding about something.

After sometime he lifted his foot and started to walk towards the third road. Soon he reached at the big gate.

'Soulwoods cemetery' was written on the gate in a big font. He took a step forward but stop in midway. His face muscles harden, after a pose of a second he entered the cemetery.

'Kachakkk' the gate made the noise as it opened and close.

The wind was little harsh today. Trees branches were making noise by brushing each other.

He walked deep inside and stop at the newly cemented grave. There was a picture of a woman on the tomb, her smiling face was very charming. The name "Annabelle Ashborn" was written on the tomb. As Dominic glanced at the photo and the name on the tomb, his heart became silent as the atmosphere of the cemetery.

He bent down and sat in front of the grave. Slowly extended his hand and clear some leaves. No words came out of his mouth. He eyes were fixed on the beautiful face in the picture.

He didn't make any noise nor did he said anything. Maybe afraid of walking up the girl from her peaceful slumber.

As he glanced at the photo soon the thousands of scenes started to repeat in front of his eyes.


" Anna…..Anna. Where are you? Here, come faster" Said the man who was in a three-piece suit. He ran towards the girl as soon as he saw her. Then he scooped her in his arms.

" Ahhh...What happened?" said the girl little startled.

" Today is the happiest day, Anna. Do you know what happened? Queen summoned me in her presence today. And…and she appointed me as her second adviser and the first master of the royal army." Said the man hurriedly.

" Uhhh...Really. I'm very happy for you, Dominic" Said the girl in her melodious voice


" I was working hard all these years so that I can become the person I'm today, the person who can ask you this rightfully. Annabelle will you marry me?" Said the man who was on his knees. in one hand he was holding beautiful sapphir diamond ring, while in other was bouquet of blue roses.

The girl in front of him was in a beautiful green dress, her eyes were twinkling like stars. She slowly nod her head, and without waiting for any other second the man slide a diamond ring in her finger.

The cheers and snapping from camera filled the air with joy.


Soon the scene changed into another one…...

The girl in a beautiful white wedding dress was standing in front of wall-length mirror. Behind her was standing a man in the black suite. There was embroidery patch on his left chest matching with the girl's gown.

" It's a pity that we are just trying our dress today. I just want to marry you today and at this moment Annabelle" said the man. His eyes were filled with admiration for the woman in front of him.


But the next scene was very different from previous one….

The atmosphere was gloomy. Dominic was standing in front of burnt Church. His special locator witchers have been able to find the burnt body inside, the half-burnt bones were in front of him. Nailing the most cruel truth in his heart.


No one knows how much time has passed. Maybe, a minute or hour or maybe hours.

The noises of people coming from a distance wake him up from his trance. Maybe someone was also there to visit their loved ones. He slowly got up and exit the cemetery. As silently as possible.