Blue Roses

When Jeremy was busy to stabilize himself, Alyssia took the chance to fly high. She sat on the creature's back and within no time they disappeared in the sky.

Jeremy was left there fuming with anger.

That was the exact moment that greeted him when Lucian arrived at the dungeon.

He looked up and saw that Alyssia was smiling mockingly at them from the sky. Then he gazed at Jeremy, who was shaking with anger. His forehead creased and lips cast down in unpleasantness.

When Jeremy saw Lucian, he rushed towards him immediately.

" I think we should send Xoddarg. They won't be able to escape too far." Jeremy mumbled in a light voice.

Lucian slowly assessed the place, his eyes darkened a little.

" No need, We have plenty of time ahead for that Let them be happy for a while. Clear the mess. I'm leaving for now." He patted Jeremy's back and nodded his head. Trying to convey that let it go for now.

When Lucian saw Jeremy still unmoving and angry, he said "Don't hold yourself accountable for the things you have no control over. It was meant to be this way." Then he lastly glanced at the dead bodies and then turned around and left that place.

Jeremy was little confused at Lucian's words but he was aware that this event was something that Lucian has predicted early and he wanted it to happen in that way. If not, then no one can flee from his hands.

Nothing can happen without his will in this realm of devil's.

But that doesn't mean Jeremy wasn't upset. He still regrets that he let defeat him so easily.

But now he could only follow Lucian's instruction. Lastly He looked in the direction in which Alyssia vanished and then instructed remaining guards.


Annabelle slept the whole night and wake up early in the morning. She has one hour of physiotherapy session. She took a bath and then attends the session. Lucian has appointed the best therapist for her, and the therapist's techniques were accurate.

After finishing the session she returned to her room. Aunt Martha was already there, preparing her clothes.

After taking a quick shower she came downstairs. It was almost 9 in the morning, and the breakfast was ready.

Seeing that she was there, Faron approached her with a document folder in his hand.

"Miss Hannah Sir ordered me to pass this to you. Please have a look and decide which course you would like to enroll." Said Faron.

Anna's eyebrows creased together. She took the folder in her hand and flipped it open.

All the results and other academic documents of Hannah's were stored inside that folder. At last there were some details of famous Universities in New York and then some basic details of different courses.

Anna was impressed with the information given on a particular course. Everything was very accurate and detailed. 'So he was serious about studies, earlier.' Thought Anna.

" Thank you butler Faron. I will think about it and I will let you know by tonight. Is that ok?" Asked Annabelle.

"Probably Master will be back by that time, you can directly inform him. I'm just assigned to pass the message." Said the butler in his ever-polite tone.

"Hmm… alright." Said Annabelle.

" Your breakfast is ready. Would you like to have it now?" Asked Faron. Annabelle Nodded her head.

Faron served breakfast to Annabelle personally. After completing her breakfast, Anna decided to roam in a garden.

" Butler Faron, I'm in the garden. Please inform aunty Martha if she ask about me." Said Anna.

Faron also bowed his head and left for his work.

Then she exits the main hall and reached to the garden to relax her mind. The mansion has very big gardens one at front and one at the back side of the mansion.

She thought maybe Lucian like the flowers very much. As she saw many different types of flowers were planted in the garden.

She was walking slowly in the garden, admiring beautiful flowers and plants. Soon her eyes fell on the bushes of blue roses. Dewdrops were strewn over the blue rose petals, And when the rays of the morning sun fell on it, it shone like beautiful pearls. The scenery was mesmerizing.

Her eyes were busy in enjoying the beautiful scenery, while her feet unintentionally moved towards the roses. Anna stopped herself in front of the bushes. Her eyes were twinkling like stars. Blue roses were her favorite flowers. Since childhood, when she saw bushes of blue roses for the first time, she was mesmerized by them.

Now she got that why everyone recognizes this mansion as 'Rose manor'. It was because of this beautiful blue roses.

Anna stretched her hand to touch the flowers. But as soon as her fingers touched the flower, she felt like slow current passed through her fingers to her whole body. She quickly retrieved her hand back.

'What was that?.' Anna looked at her hand curiously and then at flowers. A frown formed on her face, but being curious she again stretched out her hand towards the small rosebud that was about to bloom.

But this time nothing happened, like the thing she felt before was just her illusion. And she was able to touch that flowers without any strange sensation.

She slowly revolved her hand on the flowers. They were like shining pearls. Anna was engrossed in her own world, admiring the flowers.

"What are you doing here?" Suddenly a strong and little angry voice fell on her ears.

Surprised Anna lift her head to find Lucian's tall body hovering over her. In shock she staggered and took two steps back. Lucian extended his hand to hold her hand and he pulled her towards him.

He looked into her blue eyes deeply, while Anna stared at him with surprise and confusion.

His eyes were a shade of brown but more on the black side. They were deep like the ocean, drowning her inside. She found that there was little anger in them.

'Why his eyes look angry. Did he find out about me? Are these flowers magical? No, no how is this possible? After all he is just a normal human. How can he have any magical flowers?' Thought Anna.

She was little doubtful because of the current she felt before, but she soon eliminated that possibility.

Lucian was staring at the girl in front of him. Her blue eyes were same as before but now they look more agile. The usual infatuation in her eyes was replaced by indifference and little fear maybe.

There were little curiosity and surprise in those blue eyes right now. Her eyes were like a mirror, reflecting all her inner fillings, no matter how much she tried to hide them he can clearly feel her emotions through her eyes.

The girl was still staring at him, Lucian's lips curled upward in mocking smile.

"Starred enough?" Asked Lucian with his playful smirk.

At his words Anna came to her senses. She freed her hands from his grip and took two steps backward. Her eyes were looking at her feet, refusing anymore eye contact with him. Seemingly afraid, Her hands were clamped together tightly.

Lucian found that small gestures amusing.

"What are you doing here?" Said Lucian in little angry voice.

At his words Anna flinched a little, but she tried to keep herself normal.

"I …I was just walking in the garden." Said Anna.

"Do you like it?" Said Lucian, turning towards the roses. Anna followed his gaze and look at the flowers.

"Yes these are my favorite flowers" exclaimed Anna. Lucian shifts his eyes from flowers to the girl, her lips were curled in beautiful smile, eyes were shining like stars. She was as beautiful as those flowers.

He was continuously starring at her face intently and for the first time in his life Lucian got mesmerized by women's beauty. He has seen all types of women, and none of them were able to get this reaction from him.

The face in front of him was same as before. But he never found this face this beautiful before not even when Hannah was standing in front of him fully naked, seducing him with all she has.

But today it was different, a small innocent smile from her was more enchanting than anything else and when he realized what he was thinking his eyes darkened and the line formed between his eyes.

He was suspecting that the girl in front of him was not Hannah, and now, he was curious to find out about her true identity.

'Who are you? And what are your motives little one?' Questioned Lucian in his mind.