Torturers of hell

"You don't worry about them now. I caught them and all of them are behind bars now. And I'm sorry for what happened. It was my fault that you got caught in this mess. But I promise it will never happen again ok?". He said sincerely. And for some reason Anna believed what he said. His usual deep black eyes look tansperant now.

She lost herself in them, as they both stared at each other deeply. No one knows how much time passed but suddenly a ring from Lucian's phone pulled them back to reality.

Suddenly Lucian regret bringing his phone with him. But still He took out his phone and saw Jeremy's name displaying.

"I think you should rest now" he said as he pulled the blanket over her till her neck.

Anna just nodded her head. And Lucian took a last glance at her before exit the room.

As she saw him leaving Anna took a huge sigh of relief. The emotions she felt in that last moment was indescribable.