Engagement Ceremony

After Edwin left Augusta returned to Rosalie's room. By now Rosalie was fully awake. She was sitting on the bed while Tabitha handed her glass of water.

"Rosie… are you okay?" As soon as Augusta entered the room she straight run to the bed and hugged Rosalie. Tears gathered in her eye. 

"Mom… I'm fine... What happened to you? Why are you crying?" Rosalie hugged her mother back and gently pat her back. 

'What happened. I just wake up and mother is crying.' Rosalie was confused. The last thing she remembered was she entered the Pentagram and then everything went blank. No memories of what happened after that 

Augusta was too happy to see her daughter well and healthy. That she didn't let go of her for quite sometime. And this made Rosalie worried.

"mom… did I...Did I fail the ritual?" Seeing her mother behaving like this Rosalie assumed that something must have happened and it was most likely that she failed the ritual last night.