Drowning In Lake

He was in his full devil form ready to kill anyone coming on his way.

"Ahghhhhhhh." With each passing second his anger was increasing. The beast inside him was coming out and his heart was telling him that she was in danger.

And the more his heart beat faster, the more his anger and panic rose.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly the housekeeper came there. If it was anyone normal they would have definitely been scared by his appearance but the woman didn't bulge. Apart from him there were some other maids and servants who tried to stop Lucian.

But they meet the same fate as the maid before.

In just his one move all of them crumbled like sand.

Suddenly his cold eyes fell on the fourth floor of the castle.

He could see a figure of a woman standing there and in the next second he appeared behind Satrina.

The room in which both of them are was her bedroom and it was the first time Lucian was there.