The Final Battle - 2

"Ahh…" As the sword was pierced through Lucian's body a ground shattering groaned left his mouth and Beleth smirked evilly.

He pushed the sword more and the other end of the sword peaked out in front of Lucian's chest.

Anna who was in Lucian's arms saw his face marred with pain and the sword piercing through his body.

Her breath caught in her throat and eyes wide in fear and shock.

"Luci... Lucian…." Anna held on to his arms with all her energy, which was left in her body. Lucian looked at her and tried to smile and assure her.

"Ahh.." But beleth who was holding the sword took it out with a snap. A low groan left Lucian's mouth and the warm blood rushed out staining his back and ground.

Anna whose hand was on his chest felt her hands start to soak in warm sticky liquid.

Lucian's breath became heavy and Anna's eyes started to sting with pain.