Dressing Up

Katie struggled for a while before she opened her mouth.

"I-i don't know what to wear today for the inauguration…" her words trailed. Lucian furrowed his eyebrows and then looked at the bed. On the bed was placed a small box which Katie had failed to notice when she entered.

Lucian walked towards the bed and took it. Only then did Katie realise that there was something placed on the bed.

"Here I have something for you," he walked over with a parcel in his hand.

"For me!?" Katie opened the box with a bit of excitement as well as confusion.

Inside the box lay a simple blue dress made from fine material.

Katie took it out and held the cold material in her hand.

"You can wear it for today's occasion," Lucian set down on the bed beside 

"I guessed the measurements but I think it will fit fine on you," Lucian explained.