
"Attacked the mayor?" the old woman raised her eyebrow "What did you say?" the head which snapped her head.

"The whole place looked like a graveyard. None of the humans near that house were in their senses. Even the animals looked like they were half dead," Sierra described what she saw.

"Who could have been able to put such effect?" the older witch creases her brows.

"I have no idea. I just felt the strong energy around the place. The energy was nothing that I had felt before. It was strong and dark, something compelling," Sierra could still feel the chill in her body.

"We have to be cautious now. Whatever it is, it will make trouble in our plan," The head witch said. 

"Go alert all the wenches. Tell them to look for this unknown threat. I don't want any loose ends this time," The head witch ordered.

"I will. But this incident leads to another problem now. We need a new host," Sierra said.