Chapter 3

   "Sit down." My mom commanded in her stern voice.

   "What?" I asked.

   "Sit down, Elise." She repeated. More impatient this time.

   What the fuck have I done now?!

   I sat down on the dining chair and placed my hands onto the table.

   "Slamming the door, arguing and being completely disrespectful. Is this how I raised you?!" She yelled. I looked at her confused.

   "I haven't done anything wrong! I have tried to do the right thing by looking to a job!" I defended myself but it seemed to fuels my mom's irritation.

   "You have an attitude ever since we got here." She declared.

   "We've been here a day, mom." I replied.

   "Don't even try to be smart with me." She bellowed.

   Unfolding her arms, she joined me at the table. She sat on the opposite chair and grabbed my hands. Her entire body language changed from being irritated to understanding. I rolled my eyes.

   "Elle, please just try and make more effort. This is important to me. I have finally found someone I really get along with," she explained.

   My mom hasn't really been one for holding down a relationship. She's had her fair few of mistakes and unfortunately, I have witnessed every one of them. Her boyfriends moved in and out of our house and I felt sorry for her if I was honest. All she's ever wanted since my dad died, was someone to love her and take care of her. However, this made her choices in men reckless and she kept picking the wrong ones. They either left her or cheated on her. It was quite tragic really.

   "Mom, I'm doing my best and I would have probably acted a lot differently." I took a breath as I tried to contain my rage.

   "If that little prick down there wasn't here then I wouldn't be acting this way." I spilled. My mom let go of my hands.

   "That's it. I've had enough of this." She said and stood from her chair.

   "Me and Mark have been talking and we think it would be a good idea if you two spent a bit time getting to know one another." She suggested. I frowned at her and stood up.

   "What do you mean?" I snapped.

   "Tomorrow night, me and Mark are going out for dinner. You and Liam are going to have a nice evening with each other in the living room. You will watch movies, chat, play games. I don't care but you are going to know each other and most importantly, get along!" She roared and walked out before I could argue against it.

   This is fucking ridiculous. The last thing I would not wanted to do was be in the same room room with that asshole for more than ten minutes, let alone without anyone else there.

   Later on that evening, my mom asked me to take the bin bags out to the dustbin. I grabbed and hold the big heavy bag and tied a knot in the top. I luged it towards the side door that lead from the kitchen to the path down the side of the house. Once I got to past the gate I noticed Liam standing there with some curvy blonde girl. He was by his car and leaning her against it, eating her face. Rolling my eyes I continued to struggle to the bin by the mailbox, ignoring his display of public affection.

   He hadn't noticed me. Thank God. I was a few steps away when the bag suddenly split and the rubbish dropped to the floor.

   "For fuck sake!" I cried out in frustration. This caught their attention and they looked over me.

   "Who's that?" I heard the girl say.

   "Our new cleaner." Liam replied which made me bubble up with anger.

   "Oh, okay. Well, text me later." She commanded and pecked his lips.

   She got into her car and drove off. Slag! I don't know why that bothered me so much. Probably because they were secretly laughing at my expense. Liam looked over to me.

   "Be careful next time." He said. He walked towards the front door.

   "You're not gonna help me?!" I shouted at him. He laughed before turning the handle.

   "Ah, uh. You've got it." He entered the house and shut tthe door. Leaving me with a pile of rubbish i'd try to pick up on my own.

   After I had managed to pick it all up and put it into the bin, I stormed into the house and everyone was in the living room.

   "Cheers Liam, it was so kind of you to help me with the pile of rubbish outside." I spitefully said and he looked over to me, smirking.

   "No problem, I didn't mind lending a hand." He response sarcastically. My mom seemed to have missed understood it.

   "Oh great! That's what I like to see!" I shook my head to her.

   "That reminds me, Liam, have you got any plans tomorrow?" Mark asked him.

   I knew what was coming. I stood there slightly excited. I wanted to see Liam's attitude change and to enjoy the sweet taste of karma.

   "Yeah, I've got a date." He confirmed. Mark smiled at me.

   "Well, you have to reschedule that because me and Mary have got dinner reservations and we want you two to spend some time together, get to know each other better," he grinned. Liam's face dropped.

   "Nah, I'm alright." He grunted and took his phone out of his pocket.

   "I'm not asking." Mark's tone was more stern this time. Liam looked over at me then back to his dad.

   "Am I getting paid?" He asked still not phased. Mark was confused.

   "Why would you be getting paid?" He raised his brow.

   "For babysitting." He said with the smirk returning back to his face as he turned his attention to the screen of his phone.

   I sighed and walked off quickly towards my room. I heard my mom call my name but I ignore her.

   I texted Jodie.

   : Nope, I'm done! I need to get out of here. Free up some space, I'm moving in!

   She replied immediately.

   : Oh, God. What happened now?

   : My mom wants me to spend the night with that monkey tomorrow to get to know him. When he was told the same thing, he asked if he was getting paid for babysitting! I'm older than him for fucking sake! Who does he think he is?!

   : Wow, he's really got under your skin. Hasn't he?

   : You have got no idea.

   : What time are they leaving?

   : I think 5 pm.

   : Will they be gone for long?

   : I don't know. They probably will to make me suffer.

   : I have a plan.

   : Spill

   : I will drive down to you, wait down the street until they have left and then once the coast is clear you can let me in. That way you won't have to spend any time with him at all.

   : What if my mom catches you?

   Suddenly there was a knock ay my bedroom door.

   "Just a second!" I shouted and looked at Irene's reply.

   : She won't, I will sneak out the kitchen door when she comes home and she'll never know that I was there. Liam can join you on the sofa and you can pretend like you were watching TV the whole time. Then you won't be forced spend anymore time with him.

   There was a knock at the door again.

   "I'm coming!" I shouted more impatiently this time.

   : Sounds like a plan. See you tomorrow x

   I walked over to the door after thrwoing my phone on the bed. I opened it to find Liam standing there with his arm folded.

   "What do you want?" I asked. He smiled.

   "Oh come on, Elle. Don't you want to spend some time with me tomorrow evening? I know how badly you wanted to be in my company." He said with confidence.

   "Fuck off, Liam!" I barked. She stepped closer to me.

   "You know, I don't really want to have cancel my date either." He claimed.

   "You don't have to, just make sure you'll be back by 8pm. We can act like we have spent the night together, so that our parent's don't think otherwise." I smirked. He looked confused.

   "Oh really? And what have you got planned?" He asked biting his lower lip. I watched his teeth grip his plump lip.

   I cleared my throat.

   "It's not of your business. Jusg be back by 8." I warned him.