"You know your the man that caused this.You're a fucking disgrace and you know it."
"Alice this is what is supposed to happen I created a system, and that system works."
"If it works why do I see blood stains when walking on a sidewalk huh dad can you honestly tell me thats normal? How can you be so ignorant?"
"You need to be careful who you push Alice, its more than just us and you know that; dont make them mad."
My father then placing his hand on his head staring down at endless streams of papers. God he made me mad; he fucked up my childhood my friends are now in poverty, or dead because his "flawless system" and now the city hated us hated me, I couldn't even leave the house without security detail, so entrapped with a lack of privacy.
My father was never a nice guy he was behind people who were horrible, who even did unforgivable things as I was just a child. My dad stood with scum of the earth I still to this day don't know so many horrible people can be in one place and not be dead yet; I pray for the day my dad dies. I watched as my friends that gave me closure on my suffering got killed or washed away in this fucking city.
The chips made everything screwed up, they made it so that you had to do your job or you get screwed. If your a writer you write if your a killer you kill a singer you sing, and refusal results in a sign of anarchy, and can be punished by death.
I hated systems, my father wants to control everything and put it in his pocket. Its dangerous though to talk to fight, he hurt my mom often my mom was never brave enough to speak, but that look in her eyes told me everything; The look that she has voices who scare her into what they want.
I then found myself walking out of his office down the endless hallway, getting my cars keys and trying to leave before security saw me. I grabbed the keys chain with all the car keys, there wasn't many cars in the world and luckily I had some of the best options. I went into the car that looked the fastest, they didn't have brand logos my father said branding was a sign of greed and corruption, brands could make things but not say hey its mine buy me.
I always loved the way it felt running down the halls going down the stairs and scaring the shit out of my father and security; it was thrilling; I hope I see that face when I watch this all fall. I had known for years from distance family that a very lucrative group exited that wanted my dad down, I had came in contact with this group these past months and helped funnel money into them.
I raced down the driveway laughing and amazingly drove fast enough to beat the gates before they shut them down. I then sped through the neighborhood roads and onto the highway. Anyone who drove would race and it would be dangerous, if there were more than a few people on highways and checkpoints on every exit ramp, I loved freedom the little I could get.
I suddenly became consious of how I looked and dressed, I looked like someone who answers calls and fucks rich men, I need to change my outfit to blend in, I then saw a "clothing outlet" god my dad is such a cunt he wont brand anything and he made life so damn boring. He saw flavor and creativity as the flaw of mankind.
I go into the clothing outlet and of course get stared at either everyone hates me or wants to be me or at least wants my money.
I buy a beanie and a hoodie and sleek clothes that would maybe make me blend in not that my face alone people would recognize but it helped. I then tapped my chip while waiting in line, It felt weird having a phone in your arm like I'm a damn cyborg. Jason its me I wanna help, I cant live this life its not natural or meant to be.
"Memo sent"
God I fucking hate what has happened. I used to live a simple life and I didnt even have a chip years after my dad made everyone else have them; and now that I do I hate it more than anything, and would kill to get it out.
I was 14 when it all happened I remember enough to know that this life is not meant to be this way.