The Journey to Black Haven

Finn rode Kane's back through the hordes of people and got into the nearest train. there were only a few people in the train and Finn could sit down on one of the seats. Across the train he saw a young man who looked to be at least 8 years old.

The boy was wearing fancy clothes as in the ones you wear at a dinner party. The boy had a black circle that reeked of dark magic in the left side of his neck. Finn thought nothing of this and didn't care because he was in a hurry.

As the stations went by the little boy was still there. Unsurprisingly the closest station to the Black Haven was at the coast of the Phaston Kingdom. Which was the station that the train reaches.

A few hours go by it is now the station before the Phaston Kingdom coast and the little boy is still there. The station that Finn was to get off arrives. The station was a few kilometers away from the Phaston Coast so Finn rode Kane all the way there.

At this point Finn had forgotten about the little boy but the little boy was standing at the front of the beach and looked like he was still walking with a clam face even though his head was just above the water

Finn rushed over there and pulled the little boy out of the water. The little boy without even the slightest response flung Finn a few meters away. The little boy then proceeded to walk into the water again, this time a little faster.

By the time Finn got up and ran back the little boy was gone. Finn thought somebody had taken the little boy away and left to the pier. Finn Flew up and through the sky when no one was looking at an incredible speed.

The air around the Black Haven is thin and darker than smoke. Once you enter the area surrounding Black Haven or Black Haven it will appear as if its night. Finn entered the Black Haven using some magic to help his breathing and purify the air.

As soon as Finn landed a skeleton stuck it hand up from the dark soil and clutched Finn's leg. Finn shot a Fireball at its hand which was now ashes. This caused a loud noise which made all the skeletons as well as the zombies in the surrounding areas come out of the soil to attack Finn.

Finn summoned Kane for help and and proceeded to slice the zombies in half. The skeletons were extremely weak, all Finn had to was break there skulls because most of them had there core inside of there skulls.

Finn loaded Morningstar with mana and swung Morningstar in a way that uses all the mana that is stored and releases it as a huge gust of energy. This cause most of the skeletons and zombies to get destroyed.

Finn then proceeded to use light magic on the soil so that skeletons wont come out of there anymore. The ground was getting purified because of Finn's efforts.

To Be Continued...