Burning Skulls Aren't that Great

In front of Finn was a giant flaming skull.

Finn looked around for a bit and looked at his surroundings but before he could even observe correctly the boss shot a giant flaming fireball at him.

Finn took a step a back but was cornered into a wall so he immediately jumped.

he created a platform made of stone there so he was a few meters above the ground.

Finn took out oblivion and jumped at the skull. "crack" he cracked the skull, the area above the eye was now severely damaged.

Finn proceeded to put more force in his attack. "crack" the crack was now widening and had extended to the eye.

then from the depths of the shadows and presumably the skulls head came a Undead Knight.

The Undead Knight kicked Finn off the skull. Finn survived by clinging to the skulls eye, there he saw its core.

he jumped inside the skull and cast a few water spells to try destroying it.

Finn cast a flood of water which then attacked the core all at once and a lot of the water came out in the process.

The core was almost destroyed with Finn speeding it up by throwing ice spears, and water dragons. his mana was almost drained.

Finn jumped on to the core and this time. took out Morningstar which he stabbed it with. after a quick second he put Morningstar back and went back to Oblivion.

the core was now destroyed a large gust of wind was coming from it and the skeleton was disintegrating.

the undead knight took it rusty sword and charged at Finn. Finn knew with oblivion he cant simply just dodge and attack like he did with Morningstar.

Finn Instead went to the side when the Knight lunged at him and using his foot he made the Undead knight trip.

Then, he bashed the undead Knight with oblivion and broke its bones.

Finn had now completed the dungeon and the artifact had appeared.

It was a sword! it had no condition and it was heavily affinized with fire but, it was a good mithril sword.

The blade was a blood red color and the handle was black. the handle was, especially long and the blade especially big.

Ahh! Finn gasped in realization. It was not just a sword.

it was a [Heavy-Fire Mithril Greatsword Rank A Fire Dragons Fang] now, not only was it mithril it was Rank A and it was also named?

There was something very suspicious about the sword so Finn decided to keep it but examine it with proper equipment later.

Finn walked out of the dungeon and went over to the Mafia Guild Office.

now he explained the situation to Ian but Finn registered the Artifact and took it under his name.

Finn then made his way to the Principal. He created a special mail magic and sent a letter to Oliver The Grandmaster-Sorcerer of the Vethia Kingdom.

he had also sent one to the principal.

He went to class first because they were having an important lesson and that he need to keep his grade up.

After a hour he decided to go to the principal office where both the principal and Oliver are waiting.

To Be Continued...