Interschool Competitions Are always a Chore

Finn sat there amazed that he had gotten a chance to destroy the school so quickly.

Finn noted the date of the battle and walked away to his dorm. for the few weeks nothing major happened.

Everybody was going about their daily life. Edwin surprisingly hasn't shown up anywhere and was probably training.

although, the announcement for the competition was made and the people chosen to represent the school was Edwin, Jones and Finn. Jones was a 7th year.

Finally the competition arrived. Everybody was extremely restless and almost half the school went to watch the match.

They all were still in a train ride with the entire train being packed with students.

The Vice-Principal walked in the compartment Edwin, Jones and Finn were sitting. She was a tall woman who could pass as a receptionist at the adventurers guild.

She gave each of them small pieces of paper about their opponents. Finn looked at the paper and observed.

The other school that was taking part in the match was "Red Oak Academy"

There were three people from Red Oak academy.

They were two girls and a guy. The Girls seemed to be in love with the guy who clearly had the personality of a bandit.

One of the girls was a mage the other a healer and the guy in the middle was a knight.

Almost Immediately Finn knew that Red Oak Academy would lose.

Then came "Blue Kingdom Academy" in this team there were about 2 girls and 1 guy again.

With the same characteristics as the Red Oak Academy but with 1 huge difference.

The Girls were both Magic Swordsman when the guy didn't look like anything special.

The Only "Special" thing about him was that he was wearing the symbol of the church.

With that Finn got tired. Jones was a guy who specialized in a unique magic he used which was [Earth Beast Magic].

Finn asked Jones about his Magic when he said that he controlled monsters in his amulet that he wore and used their special characteristics to attack people.

"Screech" the Train came to a loud stop. they had arrived at their destination.

Everybody got off the train and went to the dorms.

the students who paid for seats weren't taken care of by the school but in fact they were responsible by themselves.

The Vice-Principal explained that The Next day will be the round against Red Oak Academy.

The Blue Kingdom Match will be 2 days after that so students can rest.

Finn quickly slept to get himself ready for the match.

The Next day of the match had arrived.

They all went to the stadium and got ready for the match.

The match's were going to be 3v3 and one side can only win if all three opponents are either knocked out or they surrender.

Finn took this chance and walked into the stadium. all the students form the respective schools were present.

The bandit of a guy was walking behind the two girls. "DING" that was the sound to get ready. "DING" well, now let us begin.

To Be Continued...