The Final Chapter

Finn knew that he had to kill Curtis even if it meant he died.

Somewhere along the way after reincarnating into this world he had forgotten about changing hos destiny and more about the actual world itself.

Finn was the villain. take him out of the book and it would a happy sight for everybody.

Finn was a demon, even he was cursed so if he was gone the curse would be lifted.

Hence, Finn did nothing.

he would kill Curtis with all his strength and if there's a chance that he would be alive. he would just fake his own death and live a quiet life in the countryside.

Finn ran to Curtis with Morningstar in his right hand accessing and using all of his abilities. the Tree, God's Eye and Morningstar.

Finn created a few vines which came up from the ground and stuck its roots onto Curtis' body. God's eye gave Finn a temporary buff which increased his strength.

God's ye also showed Finn where Curtis' weaknesses were.

Finn stabbed and slashed with his sword. Curtis was now bleeding a lot but in a way the pain awoke him.

Curtis tore through the sea of Vines covering him and their pricking spikes onto him.

Curtis scream in anger after getting out of the sea of vines.

this scream gave him an extra pair of horns and now he grown grown about 3 times bigger.

Finn, in response to this created a giant ice spell which carved a hole into Curtis' stomach.

Curtis grunted but stabbed Finn in the gut with his horns.

Now, Curtis had 1 giant hole through him and Finn had 4 small holes inside him.

Finn slashed Morningstar at Curtis and cut of two of his horns.

Finn jumped up in the air and created a platform to stand on to use a bit of time to regain his mana.

also, whilst regaining his mana Finn created a large spike of earth ice and lava and topped it off by making its weight over that of billion Kilograms.

"Whoosh" the spike flew towards Curtis at a amazing speed.

Curtis prepared to catch the giant thing with his bare hands. also from his back it seem he has summoned a few more hands. about 13 pairs.

"Thud" the sound echoed when Curtis finally touched the rock. its weight was even too strong for Curtis who was now the demon lord at this point.

Finn was standing a few meters behind the rock and kept increasing its strength.

Ahh, Finn and Curtis grunted in unison.

after a few minutes of this Finn's mana was running off and Finn could only do 1 more thing.

he had just enough dark mana left to increase the weight of the spike to the weight of the sun and so he did.

the rock fell down and completely crushed an killed Curtis.

Finn had used up all his mana and now could not summon any more familiars, hold Morningstar and save himself from drowning.

Instead, Finn decided to leave his legacy. in a last attempt Finn gathered up all the people/monsters he killed and all the dungeons he conquered as well as their artifacts.

using this he created the underwater dungeon, "Atlantis"

which now housed Morningstar a new sword which was classified into the god's weapons category if absorbed all the other holy weapons which also happened.

The End Now and Forever.